Mac OS update adds support for fancy external video cards

I don’t know which one you bought but mine has this:

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Well. Mine is a 2010 and it has four slots at the bottom. You open the panel and pop them in.

Later ones had the door like what you linked.

The newest iMacs and the iMac pro removed that. You actually have to take it to a store for them to open the entire thing to install ram.

Actually the newest 5K iMacs have the slot. I know because I upgraded the RAM on mine using the door.

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But not the imac pros.

The door shouldn’t be the imac’s secret.

Now, a door for the video card, a door for the SSD-- those would be very nice.

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I agree.

My tactic the last decade was selling my iMac every two years* and buying a brand new model with top of the line GPU. That’s all the graphics power I need. But I’m a regular dude doing a bit of gaming on the site - not someone who needs it professionally.

*selling a year before Apple care runs out usually nets me good price

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That is still a colossal waste of money. It’s like buying a new car every couple years. Yes the computer or car your selling helps cut down the price tag of the new one but you are losing a lot of money

Imagine if it was a car that you couldn’t replace the brakes or tires or fan/timing belt or fix anything about it. If the brake pads wore down all you could do is buy a new car. Would you buy that? Would you think that’s a good product?

Apple has fucked up royally in their development of the iMac. I’m a broken record on this: there is ABSOLUTELY NO REASON why the iMac shouldn’t have a replaceable GPU, HDD, RAM slots.

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I know.

Do I need it? No.
Do I want it? Oh yes, very much.

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Even if you can get fifty bucks for salavage, its service life has still ended.

You know, I had hoped that in the Pro lineup Apple would go more for durability and replaceable parts. One of the unkept promises of the Cheese Grater design was the ability to swap out any part that died – down to the transformer and the motherboard. There was a time when Apple considered being able to replace parts part of their green strategy. Replace only the guts if the case itself is made to last decades.


For a recent broken imac, it’s more like $200-300.

The new circular HQ is not a good sign


(Couldnt find a better link, sorry.)


I’m going to call it the aHole :smiley:

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Maybe they didn’t know it is the GCHQ look



At first I was excited, but then I realized that all the plugins, adapters, and whatevers are going to make your Mac look like this.


Or maybe


Buddy please! I’m at work, so stop showing me your erections.


OK but admit, that’s a rockin’ Sega setup! We had Sega CD, no 32X alas.

So… where are you on dongles? Asking for a friend.