MAGA supporter denies child gun death stats in cringe-worthy interview

Originally published at: Watch MAGA supporter's squirmy reaction to gun control question - Boing Boing


Ammosexuals on this BBS put more effort into denying the outcomes of toxic American gun culture than this MAGAt does. Which isn’t saying either are effective when they hit the bloodstained wall of reality.




the old “you can’t be telling me the truth because i already know the truth and it sounds different from what you said.” gotcha.


“You’re only counting the children who are shot by guns. What about all the children who aren’t shot because people with guns are there to protect them. Why, if we weren’t all armed then the … the … the child-shooters … would be having a field day. It would be, like, open season, man. Pow pow pow. You ever think about that?”



What about the kids who shoot others? It’s like almost every week we hear a story about a toddler shooting someone


They had it coming. Those people know what they did. And I tell you, this country would be a lot more dangerous if it wasn’t for all those vigilante toddlers taking out the trash.

“Twenty-five pounds of justice in a romper suit. The Naptime Avenger is coming for YOU, lawbreakers.”


Not so much a “denial” as a full-on refusal to even think about it. (He struggles with it for a second, then you can practically see his brain shutting down in self-defense.) Which clearly is applicable to a whole lot of how the MAGA movement functions. I wonder what it is that they do think about.


something tells me it is not the Roman Empire.


So sayeth Diogenes:


A mark of the entire MAGA movement is that they are willing to die (and kill) for beliefs that they have never and will never actually think about and critically examine, even a single time.


“The common clay… You know, morons.


No, guns are not the number one cause of death for children in the US.
From The Washington Post, Feb. 25 this year:

The Biden White House, in various venues, has made that claim. But the source cited in the White House news release — a 2022 study by the Center for Gun Violence Solutions at Johns Hopkins University — reports data with a broader focus. It cites gun deaths of “children and teens,” meaning it includes deaths of 18- and 19-year-olds, who are legally considered adults in most states.

When you focus only on children — 17 and younger — motor vehicle deaths (broadly defined) still rank No. 1, as they have for six decades, though the gap is rapidly closing. Indeed, deaths of children from gun violence have increased about 50 percent from 2019 to 2021, the CDC data shows. During the coronavirus pandemic, there was a surge in firearm sales and an increase in the use of firearms in deaths by suicide — especially among children in rural areas.

The Facts
There’s no question that 18 and 19 signify the final years of being a teenager, but there is also broad agreement around the world that 18 is a threshold age between being a child and adulthood.

The National Institutes of Health, for grant applications, defines a child as “an individual under the age of 18 years.” The European Union has a similar definition. The United Nations, in the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, says “a child means every human being below the age of eighteen years.”


It’s so important for you to point out that guns are only the second biggest cause of death for children in the USA that you registered on the BBS to drop this truth bomb.

Welcome to Boing Boing!


We’re “number 2” doesn’t sound very appealing.


Nor does firearms being the #1 cause of death for American children and teenagers.

I’ve done a quick update on our reference topic de-bunking ammosexual claims. Thanks for the inspiration, @Justthefacts!


Feel good to get that out, did it?


What I feel about it is not important. The whole premise of this article was that Jason Selvig said:
The mass shootings. Guns. Guns are the leading cause of death for children in America.
and the Trump Supporter replied:
No, it’s not.
And the Trump Supporter was correct and Jason Selvig was not.
Many Trump Supporters say things that are completely unsupported by fact, but this was not one of them.

Do you really believe that this moron MAGAt based his opinion in any fact of which he was aware? Spoiler: he doesn’t, and eventually accepts Selvig’s contention with an “okay, but…”

As I noted above, our own ammosexuals on this BBS would come back with a citation to refute the interviewer. It would still result in responses like the ones you’re getting, but it would at least show a bit of effort.


Oh, that’s all right, then.