The Racist Right Wing has always been against public education.
Spotlight on Canadian Black History and violent resistance to oppression in the US:
The Taino revolted against Spanish slavery in 1511 in Puerto Rico. They were brutally put down and decimated.
“ In 1511, he fought under Ponce de León to repress the Carib and the Taíno, who had joined forces in Puerto Rico in a great revolt against the Spaniards.
The peace between the Spanish and the Taíno was short-lived. The Spanish took advantage of the Taínos’ good faith and enslaved them, forcing them to work in the gold mines and in the construction of forts. Many Taíno died, particularly due to epidemics of smallpox, to which they had no immunity. Other Taínos committed suicide or left the island after the failed Taíno revolt of 1511.[”
Today in 1779 some imperialist pig was offed by Hawaiians and hundreds of years later encyclopedia entries about him are just so shady still.
Tensions rose, and a number of quarrels broke out between the Europeans and Hawaiians at Kealakekua Bay, including the theft of wood from a burial ground under Cook’s orders.[61] An unknown group of Hawaiians took one of Cook’s small boats. The evening when the cutter was taken, the people had become “insolent” even with threats to fire upon them.[62] Cook attempted to kidnap and ransom the King of Hawaiʻi, Kalaniʻōpuʻu.
“tensions rose”? Is that you the Fucking NYT?
Also: happy Valentines Day!
It’s been 50 years since Nixon went to China…
I’m normally not prone to thinking of individual events leading to major changes, but this really was a pivotal moment in the Cold War that transformed our relationship with China.
He was compromised. Honey Pot.
But still… Nixon was the weirdest mixed bag in all our modern presidents…
History is one way of telling stories, just like myth, fiction, or oral storytelling. But over the last hundred years, history has preempted the other forms of storytelling because of its claim to absolute, objective truth. Trying to be scientists, historians stood outside of history and told the story of how it was. All that has changed radically over the last twenty years. Historians now laugh at the pretense of objective truth. They agree that every age has its own history, and if there is any objective truth, we can’t reach it with words. History is not a science, it’s an art.
Strikes me that it’s the specific eurocentric version of history that’s come to dominate our understanding of the past…