Magnificent burst of graffiti bombing on NYC subways

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Maybe with luck we will get the fear and discomfort of 1970s subway riding as well.


traveling gallery of magnificent pieces

Hardly. This is vandalism.

And thank you for covering the windows which will result in motion sickness for many passengers resulting in more piles of puke. This actions costs the already underfunded subway system a few hundred thousand dollars to fix.


I love this, like not as a rebel or anything, but as a lover of street art… though the rebelliousness is part of it :stuck_out_tongue:

For those that want to learn more about the modern origins of street art and graffiti please watch Style Wars. It’s very much worth your time

Exit Through The Gift Shop is another interesting look at the scene though it’s more West Coast focused. There may be a few more documentaries i haven’t seen, always up for recs :smiley:


At this point, I’d trade 2020 for 1978 in a heartbeat.


Even a curmudgeon should be able to admit that those trains are a lot more fun to look at now than they were before.


End to end burners . . .

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May we consider that hostility towards street art often overlooks underlying and fundamental problems in regards to how low income neighborhoods are often abandoned by politicians. People who are creatives are given no avenues for a constructive outlet. Ask yourself what is NYC doing to foster this creativity and hone it rather than seek to treat creatives like criminals.

It may be vandalism, but it’s often a consequence of the system failing the youth and them rebelling against an indifferent and hostile environment. In other parts of the world these very artists would have a more intimate relationship with their city and often given opportunities to have free reign on certain projects, make money, or make art as part of community service or beautification of an area.



NYC in the 70’s had completely neglected the Bronx and all the other “undesirable” areas; this is what happens when making money hand over fist is all that matters to the people in power.

(Same as it ever was.)



I’m not against street art; there are at least 30 pieces of art within 5 blocks of my house and two wonderful artists were actively painting a new wall on Monday when I walked by. I don’t like them all, but I’m glad they are there. It brightens the neighborhood.

What I most don’t like is the covering of the windows - even when the official adverts put the stupid stickers over the windows. I know people who will not ride a bus with those stickers because they will puke and end up waiting for the next bus. And now, a 30min wait for a late-night train will result in a 60min wait for the next train.

So, this area was patrolled by the NYPD. I’ve heard of officers “working” the overnight on-site shift from their bedroom at home. I wonder if this was also the case.


Absolutely this is a valid critique, but at the same time kids want to be rebellious, and there’s a long tradition of the outlaw graffiti bomber getting in and out with ninja-like skills to places he/she shouldn’t. Even if NYC offered huge canvases and free paint there are those who would turn up their noses at it, at least initially. It’s part of a subculture, and there’s no stopping it now.


You’ve mentioned that same concern twice now.


one of the highlights of my 2000 ny visit was riding a car with just a window scratch bomb by TAME ONE. no outsides or other insides ran.


An interesting ‘artifact’, for sure.

[ETA: The thing is, I myself find window scratches kind of annoying. I like well-done graf pieces, but piddly shit like that is annoying, and it does tap the public coffers to clean it up.

Cognitive dissonance on my part, I guess.]


We’ll always see vandalism in some shape or form unfortunately, and i will admit that i’m often annoyed at tags or graffiti that cause more harm than not. That said the knee jerk reaction of wanting to come down on street artists does need to be tempered with some level of understanding and compassion.

I do think that the massive graffiti bombs on those subway cars is overkill. But the rebellious creative in me is certainly impressed :eyes:


I mean, I think most writers agree, but it’s just the only thing that will run on a train.
realistically the OP were taken out of service that day ASAP

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One thing I love about the Bay Area is how street art is generally embraced by the communities; there are often commissioned pieces, which help brighten up the often depressing-looking industrial sections or areas that have their windows boarded up due to riots.


Pretty dope, i love how different street art can be and how they bring a lot of life and vibrant energy to an area.


Those are examples of actual art, rather than the more mundane ‘tagging’ which usually just has a name or group. Is it wrong that while I like seeing it in the wild, I might not want it on my house?