Make your own designs with this Adobe CC-alternative

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Barker: For a limited time only, at a deep, deep discount, you can have a “Lifetime” subscription to this wonderful “Adobe CC alternative” software.

Rube: Wow! How deep are you talking?

Barker: So deep you won’t believe it! If I told you that you can have it for the amazing savings of 50% off, would you be interested?

Rube: Maybe. How much is that?

Barker: Wait! Don’t answer yet! Just because I like you, I’ll cut another 40% off, bringing it down to just 10% of it’s normal price! No! Let me really sweeten this deal and take off a bit more! I’ll let you have a “LIFETIMEsubscription for more than 90% off the normal price!

Rube: Sweet! And it’s better than Adobe?!

Barker: It’s much easier to learn and use, that’s for certain!

Rube: And I’ll always be able to use it without ever having to pay anything else again?

Barker: Sure, kid! (if by “always” you mean as long as it’s available and its servers are running…)

Rube: Gosh! This sounds great! But do I need to be a trained designer to make great designs with it?

Barker: Not at all! In fact, it’s better if you aren’t a trained designer! Why, listen to this:

TechCrunch: “PixTeller makes designers (almost) obsolete” (link)

Barker: See? If you get this software subscription, you’ll be designing today and not have to spend thousands of dollars and years of your life learning how to “actually design”, be deep in debt and tied to an industry that this software was created to help devalue or kill! Nothing but winning for you!

Rube: I like winning!

Barker: You bet you do! You have to act fast though, kid. I can’t sell it for this low, low price for much longer. What do you say?


Or, for $49.99, you can outright purchase Affinity Designer or Affinity Photo and have Adobe-equivalent software without any subscriptions.


True, but does that take time and effort to learn?


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