Man denied passport because of his naughty name

In school the class bully called me Kitchen , which is close but still a bit off and certainly not a zinger that stung. I told him if I was fat then maybe that might apply but otherwise he’s grasping at straws and needed to do better because this made no sense.

What did sting was when he punched me out of frustration.


A dentist where I used to live was Dick Head, DDS. Another was Dick Burns, DDS. I do not understand the need to do this to your child…

Too many people took this to heart I think.


Where I worked a long time ago had a client named Richard Siemens, and of course he went by Dick. :woman_facepalming:


Nah, he doesn’t have a passport because the government is being a dick. People should be able to get a passport regardless what their name is. It’s no skin off anyone’s nose.



I did exactly that to my Blades in the Dark players after they stole a government ship in their campaign. 50 Coin bounty on each of them and revoked any and all legal protection.

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It isn’t his name though, it is a joke.

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