Man hacks his prosthetic arm to control music synthesizer with his thoughts

Official nascence of the Borg

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The title says he controls music with his thoughts, but it didn’t really hit me about what that meant until I saw him doing it. Totally crazy.

He mentions, at the beginning of the video, that his arm is controlled with two electrodes. (Is it as simple as rotate and open/close?) I can’t help but wonder if a hand capable of turning a knob to his satisfaction would require many more electrodes-- possibly beyond today’s technology. As he has only two to work with, a electrical interface is more efficient.

This is a hack that works well enough, but it’s not “superior”, quite yet. Maybe in a few more years.

That’s true in general, but mostly for lower limb (10x as many as upper limb). Upper limb amputations are mostly from farm and industrial accidents and most of them are under 55 years old.

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