Man lives in a storage unit and explains how to get away with it

Which chapter in the Being like a Ghost manual is about your 5 channel Dolby Sound System?


I was going to make a Hiro Protagonist remark but you beat me to it!


I have both kinds of things all over my North Oakland / South Berkeley neighborhood.

We have folks on my block (down towards the apartments at the other end and around the corner) who park large cars and small vans, which they seem to either live in or at least hang out a lot in and use to store their stuff (they might actually spend most of their time outside). The more industrial streets here and there (which are all over since this area used to have manufacturing in places) have an old RV parked here and there that folks live in. My neighbor across the street has an RV in front of his house (for two weeks now) that apparently contains his brother, who is here for “a little while.”


Do it 19th Century Style with your own personal railway (box)car. Gimmicking the Automatic equipment identification to arbitrarily ID the car as whatever you wanted would be easy, but getting the system to route you where you wanted to go would probably need a backdoor somewhere.

The problem of how to slip out of the rail yards for groceries and back, I leave as an exercise.


Make America Narc Again


Snitches get stitches


Yes I had this thought too. There is a lot of remote work in my industry, but I hate working from home. Its too unhealthy. I need a cheap office about ten kilometers from home and a storage unit would be ideal.


Well the Chinese are building artificial islands in the south china sea…

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I bet we live in the same neighborhood. Over the last year, I’ve seen an increase in RVs parked on the street.


Golden Gate?
I live a block from the San Pablo Goodwill and McDonald’s.

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Longfellow. A couple blocks east of Pack and Save.


Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers? They’ve moved up in the world.


Close enough!

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It explains those people at Walmart videos.


It’s hard to know which would be more unbelievable, that somebody could get away with this in North America in the 21st century, or that somebody would go to this much trouble to create a video documenting something he was not actually doing.


Local news is saying this happened in Vancouver, BC Canada:

Not surprising to me as a renter in this grossly overpriced city.


.[quote=“gumbowing, post:77, topic:92877”]
U-Haul evicted man living in Vancouver storage locker
[/quote]I guess that’s what happens when you mix “being as invisible as you can possibly be” and making a video that goes viral on youtube.


Unsolicited advice: You might be doing him a favor by getting acquainted with him and advocating for him with your neighbors if they start getting all cop-cally. I live in a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood and there is nothing my new neighbors love more than calling the cops on RVs and people living in vans. So if your neighborhood is anything like mine, you might be able to help him out by dispelling fear/gossip/suspicion.


Didn’t read the rest of this thread. Sue me.

I get the appeal, but this took a lot of time and I am sure was very satisfying.

But this guy did this just to do it; he could have afforded a real crash pad for 2 months with the amount he had already spent on all that stuff. (Presuming he didn’t buy it used) I can’t impress enough how not-busy this guy had to be to make this work for him (especially for such a short period of time).

Loved the bar, for all those times he was entertaining company (perhaps a lady friend?).

Now don’t mistake me for a negative nancy. This is super cool–overcoming adversity, and adapting to limitations. Fantastic stuff.

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Some people park it.