Man who is University of Wisconsin chancellor and also a porn star loses one of his jobs

Does the “Sexy” part in the title appeal too? What is the show’s sexy part?

Each cooking episode features a guest from the adult entertainment industry who joins them in the kitchen. There’s usually some light flirting and fun conversation. They ask personal questions about how they got into the industry, where they like to vacation etc. Then they show a sneak preview and a link where they’re all about to hook up together, but the naughty stuff is at cost. My only gripe is that their cooking seems to focus on imitation meats and cheese rather than plant-based whole food. Some of that food is tasty but I want to see what they can cook with vegetables. One episode in and you’ll immediately sense that they were looking for any excuse to get out of the square, academic world and make adult entertainment their thing.


Thanks for the description.

This part was funny:

As if there’s nothing “square” about “adult entertainment.” :laughing:


The youtube channel isn’t porn. It is a cooking channel.
Was he actually in porn?

Yes, another article mentioned that they have content on PornHub and said: “Gow, 63, and his wife, Carmen Wilson, appear in videos on several porn websites using “Sexy Happy Couple” as the account name, a moniker also used on at least two social media accounts.”

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Aw come on. Involving a camera in your sex life doesn’t give you cooties.

Any other person at that theoretical luncheon could have done way kinkier stuff just before the party with no one the wiser.

I have and have had friends, loved ones, and partners who work or who have worked in different parts of the sex industry. They’re not “dirty”.


Porn star loses one of his jobs. That must have been a terrible blow to him.

I hear that he worked in the adult education industry.

If shmooze isn’t a category of porn, it should be.

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