Mark Zuckerberg sues over 100 Hawaiians to force them to sell them their ancestral land

It’s the suit color…and the ekranoplan.


Hard to believe this sweet humanitarian is behind the monstrous shitshow that is Facebook


Headline "Zuckerberg sues to force neighbors to sell’
Article: Zuckerberg sues to find out who owns the neighboring properties.

Wrong headline is wrong.


I click the heart under any post with a picture of an ekranoplan. That’s my firm policy.

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Could be, but don’t let it get you down. Don’t let The Bar Be Your Destination, Gully.

Too bad these WIG craft never really took off.

Well, Steve Jobs is dead… (but Larry Ellison is still alive…)


Didn’t put words in your mouth, I characterized the actions you ascribed to him in order to show how ridiculous it is to attempt to assign intention to a third party in this case, the intention to be fair. I employed a “/s” to attempt to make sure sarcasm was received.
And no, sarcasm isn’t a nice way to respond to your post, but I did not attempt to misrepresent your position. I apologize. I clearly was not able to transmit that and its on me to make myself understood.

I accept your example of free money as your viewpoint but still assert that people who have a rightful claim to land are now in a position where taking the cash is only less burdensome than claiming their land and for that same reason I believe it to be unfair even if it is legal.


This is what I came to this thread to find, knowing it would be here.

“Hey, Cory writes a certain way with a certain amount of hyperbole and has done it for, oh, 14 or 15 years here, but I’m going to come and complain every time he posts something because I’m offended.”


What horrible truths is he distracting us from? Do tell.


I would liken him to the average “pizza party boss”.
They’re screwing you nine ways from Sunday in every legal way possible, but make up for the hurt feelings by occasionally throwing an office pizza party.


Oh, enso, you are so right. When Cory posts a misleading and/or factually incorrect post on this popular site we should just say nothing in the comments and let everybody be misinformed. That is totally the responsible thing to do. And it would totally be wrong for Cory to actually fix his posts.


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Has he ever changed a post in response to complaints on the BBS?

I’m not saying that I wish Cory wouldn’t take more time to write his titles or phrase them more carefully but, after reading this site since at least 2003, I know how to read what he says and I don’t expect him to change. It is annoying (to me) that there is some wanker on every thread off of a political/ethical post of his complaining about his phrasing, as if this is somehow a special and new problem.

Have you ever changed my mind? You post to me because you think it will inform others and/or change my mind. Same goes for posting about the errors in Cory’s posts.

(And for the record, my mind can be changed by sound evidence and reasoning. Hell, you may have changed my mind at some point in the past. I dunno. But Cory is a person, he might change his ways. Or some of the other Boingers might get tired of his Fake News headlines in a time when Fake News is the crap we rightly blame on other people, and, say, you know, maybe he shouldn’t be like those guys.)

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I suggest sending him an email then and explaining your issues with what he posts. He might actually read that.

I’m just tired of the inevitable “I’m disappointed in Cory again” comments on EVERY thread. It’s tiresome and, really, it doesn’t actually do anything because I doubt he really reads these comments, just like almost none of the authors of the site do.

Not everyone here is some sort of 20 year Boing Boing veteran who knows that Cory posts misleading news articles. So, yeah, it make sense to post corrections every time he does it. Hell, I know he has a penchant for it, but I don’t necessarily know which things he writes are fake, either, unless I fact check his posts or someone else does. We all benefit.

Think of it this way. Does Trump read Cory’s posts? Yet he posts them anyway. Same goes for posting here about Cory’s demonstrable lapses in reporting (and, yes, he is reporting, and Boing Boing once having been a blog does not mean that it is ok to post fake news here.)

I’m sorry, I’m not really making myself clear. I have always understood due diligence to mean before the sale or contract. In this case, Zuckerberg already bought the encumbered land, so what he is doing now is not due diligence. Thus, he either didn’t do due diligence ahead of time, which is sloppy and surprising, or he did and determined that he would be in more advantageous position to pressure people to sell after he owned the encumbered land, which I find quite dickish.


So who is wrong? Cory for his “writing style”, or people who dislike the “hyperbole”?

Yeah, I thought anyone listening to Alex Jones took everything with a grain of salt and that most of it was “infotainment”. Some people think he is the only real truth bringer now.

I am sorry, but that defense just doesn’t hold water. You can excuse hyperbole, exaggeration, click bait, and misinformation because “you know how to read it”? How the hell is that any different than “fake news” or heavily slanted news? Because BB TECHNICALLY is a blog, not a web site? How about casual or new viewers of BB?

For such a champion of freedom of information, I wish that information was less clicky baity half truths. Though if the object is to get shares and buzz, I think he is probably doing a super damn good job at traffic generation.

I think calling what he writes “fake” or “fake news” is pretty grossly unfair.

I’m saying this as someone who works at a company whose work Cory consistently has mischaracterized in EVERY keynote and interview he’s done in the last year. There is a difference between “fake” and a “gross difference in opinion.” I do think he’s pretty sloppy on titles though.

Every time Cory talks about the W3C and DRM and why people are doing what they do in that context, it’s with a heavy Doctorow filter/spin on it. He’s been told by various people why things are happening the way they are and he fundamentally disagrees with their reasoning, which is why he spins it the way he does in EVERY speech he gives. I know for a fact that it makes folks at the W3C have absolutely zero interest in talking to him about it ever again because he paints them as industry hacks and villains every time he opens his mouth.

That said, I still respect him having a contrary point of view, even if I find it very flawed.

Neither? Both?
Do we need to point it out EVERY time that Cory engages in hyperbole? @skeptic says “Yes, we do.” I disagree because mostly the same peanut gallery is here on all of these posts. We already know and have opinions…