Married couple notice they're randomly both in a photo taken 11 years before they met

Aluminum foil is the only one that works. The irony being, it will give you Alzheimers.



Yeah with facial recognition software and location tracking the odds are that most everyone will discover they had a significant number of these moments. Think of how many times you randomly run into people you know in unlikely places. Multiply by the number of people nearby that we don’t notice.

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This story is SO Dharma and Greg.


This is not a matter of preference.

Anyway, there is enough tinfoil to go around:


Nowhere near as neat as this, but my wife and I just discovered that we were in Rome during the same days 2 years before we met each other.

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A little different but when WWII ended in Europe, in my hometown of Tabor (Cz) my parents (in their teens 5years before they met) both happened to be in the same town square as the authorities were hanging Nazi collaborators, My dad recalled climbing a tree to get a good view, whereas my mom did not even want to be there but was sort of taken there with the mass of people crowding into the square.

“The photo was snapped in 2000 when they were both teenagers.”

Whether or not the photo is accurate, the idea of it isn’t impossible. Considering the circles my mother and father moved in, you’d figure their paths would’ve crossed long before they actually did. My father helped at the local priests’ residence; my mother helped cook for them. My mother and my father’s sister were in the same grade. My mother’s sister and my father both sang in the choir. But somehow, they never really connected until my grandmothers decided they should go out on a date. (According to my dad, it was the last thing the grandmothers ever agreed on.) And the rest is history…

(Edit: misplaced apostrophe.)

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