"Mattress Girl" draws attention to campus assaults

Holy crap! Is this a misunderstanding on an internet forum that has been de-escalated? without any moderator input? this must be some kind of first!


Yeah, I read this story a week or so ago, and, the whole thing struck me as off.
Anyone who thinks that thereā€™s not pressure on college administrators to take action on accusations simply hasnā€™t checked the wind direction at an actual campus lately.

That said, in the forums for redress where this woman has pursued the matter, sheā€™s not proven her case, and these forua have much lesser standards, by all reports, than traditional criminal matters. Now, perhaps there is some bias, and if so, she should rightly be calling them out for ignoring her evidence, etc. But, if you read what I did (the linked article is different than the one I initially read on the matter, this one is a bit more of a profile while that one was more a news report), it seems like sheā€™s simply trying to shame them into ignoring process, and punish based on PR pressure. And thatā€™s plain not right.

Perhaps something happened to her, but, not enough evidence was left to prove it, at any standard, in any forum. We simply donā€™t have, CANā€™T have, a government entity that can punish for such a thing, be it a ā€œJusticeā€ system, or a college administration. In order to not have a body that can simply punish those disfavored, rightly or wrongly, by the public, SOME process must be due, some threshold met, to allow punishment. Otherwise itā€™s just mob justice.

She made her choices about which venues to pursue this matter in. Doubtless there are tradeoffs to those decisions, and those that pursue the matter criminally are courageous and face a gauntlet, and choosing not to do so does not by itself reflect on the claim or the character of the person choosing. But that choice has real consequences, which means investigation is limited due to which body youā€™ve enabled to do the investigating, potential outcomes and punishments are narrowed, and, you accept the process which youā€™ve opted into.



Donā€™t you hate when youā€™re on an airplane, and you keep getting molested by a crying baby? I do.

Your point being, if you have one? Are you trying to claim that students and professors are on the same level?

ETA: Or for that matter, men and women?

My point is that looking up a word in the dictionary wonā€™t tell you what someone means by it when the word has multiple definitions.

Suggestion for male rapists (of men or women): obligatory state-funded surgical removal of one testicle per conviction. One inch for each conviction past the second.

Iā€™m all for preventing rape and prosecuting rapists to the full extend of the law, but you knowā€¦


maybe your eugenics proposal could use some rethinking.


Thinking outside the box. And also: sperm banks.

Plus I was trolling, sheesh.

So merely torture. Makes anyone who would follow your suggestion a lot better than a rapistā€¦ somehow?

Maybe you shouldnā€™t.

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And, I assume that youā€™d find an equivalent mutilation of female rapists acceptable?

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What dictionary are you using? ā€œBig words for four year oldsā€? Please. Letā€™s kindly not treat this subject like itā€™s a dogā€™s chew toy.


In what possible cultural context do young men show up at a campus with any kind of lack of respect for other people?

Iā€™d like to presume they donā€™t show up gleefully anticipating their future sexual assaults, happily ensconced in their narrow view of other people as sexual toys.

Is there a national database of campus assault / rape statistics? One yearā€™s boycott would pretty much sort out the university management.

>.< All right, all right! I know Iā€™m not always right - it just seems that way to lesser beings.

On a related note, my baby sister came back from Spain with a hotel door-hanger that said

Do Not Disturb
No Molestar

It always made me giggle.

In other news:

Capital idea!

Young men: Here is a list of colleges with an easygoing attitude toward sexual misbehavior. Be sure to avoid them!


Thereā€™s a lot of corroborating research showing that all you have to do is word the questions slightly differently and young men are happy to admit theyā€™ve committed sexual assault (or would if given the opportunity) and think itā€™s OK.


Iā€™m using the dictionary definition provided by the poster in the post I was originally replying to.

Want to actually talk to the issue? Rape? Campus?

I was, until I had to keep explaining myself to people condemning my post without reading the post I was replying to. Lesson learned.

Essentially, this whole issue and culture horrify me. I grew up in the US, leaving before my teens, and had remembered it with fondness. This issue coming up makes me thank my lucky stars Iā€™m not female at an American campus.

Does Boingboing have a badge for that?