Max Headroom reboot in development

I think you mean Network 23:

This is excellent news. So many great memes (and ideas) from the teevee series.
Blipverts…ads so effective they caused views to explode.
ZikZak Corporation: “We make everything you need. You need everything we make.”
Blank Reg: leader of a tribe of people who don’t participate in social networks.

Network 23, the media conglomerate that controls politicians.


I remember that scene where he was like “It’s a book!”

It is funny what sticks in our heads 40 nearly 40 years.


And Divine!

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one that sticks it my head as very “now”: the red light on top of edison carter’s camera that lets people know when he’s broadcasting.

there’s a scene where he’s filming cops clad in - what was then ridiculous, now normal - riot gear while they’re trying to apprehend a suspect or something. his producer cuts the feed. the light turns off. and the next we see of carter he’s battered and broken from the beating the cops gave him.

carter will probably have to be rewritten as an instagram influencer now. sigh


For me, it’s a scene where Edison has been framed for a crime he didn’t commit: credit fraud.

His producer says:“Oh my god! Credit fraud? That’s worse than murder!”


Jeff Daniels is the new Max Headroom?

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That also sounds like a pitch-perfect Mel Brooks line.


Played by the amazing Jeffery Tambor, no less. The cast of the US series was perfect, and we all knew it was only going to last one season because it bit the hand that fed it at a time when not even playful nips were tolerated.


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