McClatchy chain of more than 30 U.S. papers to close all foreign bureaus by end of 2015

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I hardly read foreign news from local papers now. I can go directly to foreign news sources.

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I’d never heard of McClatchy.

Googling, I see they previously bought out another news company called Knight Ridder? Seriously?

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Sad, they were a tiny island of sanity in a sea of Murdoch.

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I hadn’t either, until 2008 or so. Bill Moyers’ show mentioned them, re: news coverage during the runup to the Iraq War.

Private equity is part of the formula, and the internet is the other part. I have a niece who just got a journalism degree, and I wonder where she’ll end up. The entire business is outsourced now… sometimes to bots.

McClatchy, Gannett, and the other media blood-suckers can all go broke. Fine by me.

Maybe then the newspapers can figure out who they serve.

They don’t call it “правда” for nothing.

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Seriously. It’s as if some people don’t read CJR.

Philadelphia Inquirer, Miami Herald, Detroit Free Press, Fort Worth Star Telegram, San Jose Mercury News… Do none of these sound even vaguely familiar?


Was my father’s company until he passed away in 1980. They were well-respected in journalistic circles. Several of my dad’s co-workers were jailed for some time in the 70’s for not revealing a grand jury source. McClatchy was one of the last newspapers to insist on five-year’s experience, which benefited both union and publisher.


Miss all the house-sitting at my in-laws because of CJR and their pool. LOVED the last page!

Actually, I grew up with two papers-- The Washington Post and the New York Times, neither of which were McClatchly or Knight Ridder. But both had impressive foreign desks.

In the seventh grade, we were each assigned to collect the news associated with a particular country, and compile it into a little report to present in several months time.

I got Russia.
It was 1987.


That was an exciting time in world politics. Since I grew up on the West Coast, our papers were the two local area ones, the Fresno Bee, and the Los Angeles Times (all free because my dad’s job). In 1987, I was in my last semester of college as a poli sci major. I think I was the only student who subscribed to two newspapers because I wanted to, not because I was a business major forced to subscribe to the WSJ.

It was also the end of a research era (i.e., microfiche, microfilm, Lexis Nexus–or is it Lexus Nexis?) that was time-consuming but fun.

Good times.


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