And have them work full time, plus benefits…
The funny thing that ain’t funny is a multi billion dollar corps. is still offer slave wages, I ain’t laughing, and the people that need a LIVING WAGE ain’t laughing neither. In this day and age even $15 an hour won’t give you a living wage in a major city, might be a leg up for those in rural areas. But $15 an hour don’t do crap for city dwellers.
Progressives have that covered [see Bernie Sanders & others] for Medi Care for all, done and dusted.
Please don’t hand me the “it cost too much for the tax payers” shit, we already pay for it in our taxes, we just don’t get the access to it until we are 65 years of age.
Thank you.
Some people may be reluctant to take frontline jobs at a fast food restaurant due to continued COVID-19 concerns and also because fast food restaurants treat their staff poorly.
Improved that for you.
We also pay for corporations paying slave wages when they force their workers to collect public assistance to survive. We also pay for the public hazards of uninsured full time workers. Corporations are using welfare to make low wages viable. They owe us big.
Roger That!
Even “funnier” is that the same corps know increasing minimum wage would probably only raise costs by a dollar a meal, while increasing purchasing power of the general public and probably increase their sales.
I’m convinced it’s not just greed, but a desire to make workers so desperate that they’ll never complain, no matter how bad the working conditions become.
Good point, and it’s been going on for centuries. It is never going to come without a fight, from the bottom of my heart I’m done asking [50 + years] for a fair shake, we have to take it just like they take from us. Before I depart this world I’d love to see every worker put down their work and walk the f’ out, no work/workers, no money for the rich. The THEY would buckle, history tells us so.
McDs is just the tip of the iceburg. The entire restaurant industry is hurting for help and it will become more evident as the economy opens back up.
If only there was a large immigrant/ refugee class massing on our southern border hoping to fill entry level jobs?
But only with adequate pay. Restauranteurs should not see this as an opportunity to recoup “losses” (projected, so not valid).
I have no problem with adequate pay. The minimum wage should be increased, but there will always be entry level jobs. For the immigrant, those types of jobs give them a chance to improve language skills and make cultural adjustments before moving on to better opportunities.
Grill lines on a burger on a flattop grill. Did the robot draw them on? I think his right arm is holding a meat-sharpie.
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