Meet the lawyer behind deceptive marketing lawsuits like the strawberry Pop-Tarts case

And yet…

It has always amazed me how so many USians would rather cherish their own hypothetical ‘freedom’ - which also grants corporations a real and material ‘freedom’ - rather than see their lives improved and their health protected by government regulation of corporate behaviour.

The ‘freedom’ to buy highly processed crap, overtly masquerading as food, is what results.

ETA Can I put it more bluntly? The resistance to government regulation is an idiotic preservation of the freedom to be lied to, cheated, defrauded, conned and exploited by corporations. The corporations fund a large number of politicians to ensure it remains so, and these politicians translate their masters’ wishes into messages about threats to personal freedoms. The US education system is increasingly geared towards ensuring these messages cannot be tested or questioned. Carry on, USA, decline and fall are all that remain…