Millennial men no less sexist than prior jerks

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Lose the Truly Tasteless joke books, move on to the dregs of South Park and Family Guy.


Seems like the only solution is a couple generations of hard-core misandry. :angry:


If only for the balance :wink:

Not really want this, like parenting, show what you want. Don’t show (as example) what you don’t want.

But… Somehow the thought keeps appealing.





I remember the 70’s. Sexism is not what it was. It was open and people seemed ok with gender roles as long as they didn’t hinder their ability to live the life they have chosen. But then again, it was the sexual revolution and it was much more common for people to be proud of their gender, while sexuality was a big part of the culture at the time as well.

Today it’s (sexual politics) much more tense but the decades of efforts to help young women find direction, confidence, and pride have done a great job and producing women who are far less defined by the men in their life if at all. Perhaps those programs have given young women a better understanding of success and achievement and more realistic metrics with which to evaluate themselves. It sure seems young men (and old) have an inflated sense of self worth and achievement but as always, that’s largely the bluster game we play and are so very good at. Perhaps if we had programs that included both sexes instead of focusing on one we might have better parity when it comes to evaluating our own worth and those of others much like the women do. It’s hard to say. Inclusiveness seems to be a better route but that’s just my opinion.

On the other hand, young men and women are saying things in the internet forums that children of my generation would never consider saying. To me it seems that something is happening to our empathy. Anger seems to be promoted and applauded much more than care, love, and compassion than it was when I was younger.


As a grad student, I have issues with research studies based on only responses from college students.

There are too many factors that can tilt the results. One, US college students are WEIRD: western, educated, industrialized, rich, democratic. Take the rich and educated, and men, and there are plenty examples of misogynists, I.e., Brock Turner.

Also, this was done in a introductory undergraduate biology class, meaning a large percentage of 18-19 year olds. I’m interested in this same study with those closer to completion of their degrees. Or better yet, a research study with respondents from outside a university.


Sounds like a huge, whitewashed retcon. Sexual “freedom” often meant the “freedom” to say yes under social pressure more than the freedom to say no.

Your body wasn’t free, nor were you free from social judgment if you fucked or decided not to.

This is not to say that things couldn’t have regressed in any manner, just that the portrayal seems more like fiction than it speaks for gender interactions of the time.


I was thinking that as well. The studies selected seem to be saying teenage men are more misogynist than older men, and not comparing the attitudes across generations very fairly. My attitudes certainly matured with age; getting married, having a daughter, hell just experiencing more of the world all shaped my opinions compared to when I was a sheltered religious teenager.

Hell, when I entered college I had just turned my back on religion and just began to reevaluate a lot of the things I was taught or believed.


I’m going to have to challenge you a bit on this… if everyone was “okay” with their assigned gender roles, why was there a feminist movement that was at its height in this period? Why the struggle over the ERA? Sure, sexism was more blatant (I’d argue it still actually is, though), but that doesn’t mean that everyone just accepted their position in society. Many women didn’t.

Agreed, but maybe we’ve always had an empathy problem in America?

This is a great point. One study tells us little about the dynamics of an entire generation. But I don’t doubt misogyny exists in the millennial generation. [ETA] To be fair, they talk about other, more broader studies other than that first one, which does back their position that there is millennial sexism.


Huh. Dorks don’t get women. Women in science aren’t dorks.

So they win. I predict a gloomy future for sexists in science. Because unlike all this other bullshit we banter about, science is true whether you believe it or not.

There’s not the room for perception biases. Is there?


Did we actually expect millennial men to be less sexist that previous generations? Really? This is the “cool story baby, now go make me a sandwich” generation. And don’t get me started on the FHRITP guys, they all seem to be millennials to me. (and if you spend any time in the MRA/PUA forums the vast majority are young men, aka: millennials)

Maybe I’m biased cuz I work at a university, but I watch the population of undergrads and I often think we had it better in the 90s. We talked about consent, we had comprehensive sex ed, we had riot grrls and girl power, and as far as I can tell we had a lot more sex than these kids are having (probably something to do with all the baskets of condoms everydamnwhere). Ok, I just made myself feel so damn old… /sigh


So, GenXers are the best, again?



Lets wait and see how fucked up their kids are before we judge them. “Generation Z” - seriously, i feel like they’re doomed before they’re even out of middle school!


One thing I have noticed, at least among my daughter’s friends, is that they don’t seem to complain about the “friendzone” so much. Her friend group is pretty much equally male and female, and sometimes they date and sometimes they don’t, but they’re all pretty open about how they feel.

This week she’s camping with one of her male friends that I jokingly call her “platonic life partner”. They’ve never dated, I’m pretty sure they’re not going to (which is too bad because I like the guy) :laughing: .


No it was better then the kids aren’t OK.


If people don’t wan to perpetuate the problem, then perhaps it should be “millennial people (are) no less sexist”. It is easy for what is intended to be descriptive to become prescriptive, when people internalize the roles. Sexism is - by definition - treating people differently because of what sex they are. The only way to affect the cause to to play down the perceived difference. Internalizing the roles of either side is a perceptual trap, because even being the “other” perpetuates both roles.

The point being that both “man” and “woman” are mostly empty linguistic containers, so when people load them with semantic baggage, they need to be aware of it and take responsibility for the meanings they place/find there. The disciplined mind begins with only minimal preconceptions.


This isn’t surprising to anyone is it? I’d like to think my generation was less sexist (X). I suspect not but I do suspect we’d be less surprised by the results being the largely cynical SOB’s that we are.