I wish Obama was a one term president. Got in, did what he promised, and if the voters didn’t like that, oh well. One good term is better than two tepid ones.
No, she votes 90% with Sanders in things that actually finally come up to a vote. Not the same thing. I bet most Democrats vote together on actual votes.
If she backed universal healthcare as an extension of medicare (instead of Obama’s insurance industry gift) and college for all Americans that qualify scholastically, I might be more inclined to see her as a real progressive.
Oh, and things like actually addressing what’s going on with cops and black folks in every city in America in a real way. I mean, if only the Federal government could do something…
[quote=“LearnedCoward, post:100, topic:86928”]
And she didn’t “tack left”, she’s outright lying about what she believes in and what she will do once she takes office.[/quote]
Of course, once you decide that she’s such a such an egregious liar (as opposed to a typical political liar) then you might as well believe that she’s a space alien. The problem is that most of the “Clinton is a liar” narrative is from the right wing attack machine that has been bellowing away and honing itself for decades.
Every time someone on the left posts rightwing talking points, a kitten dies. This election cycle there are dead kittens all over the place.
The evidence is not that Clinton is beholden to anyone, but rather that there are people beholden to her - that was part of the complaint people had with the DNC - and she has bought that fealty with favors and hard work. She’s wealthy enough that she doesn’t need the money, in fact she gives lots of money away. Once she’s got the big prize, what power do the special interests have over her?
This is another thing that puzzles me; why, especially especially in a forum for detail-oriented technophiles, are people so ready to favor simple feelgood answers over nuanced detailed ones?
She is a typical political liar. In fact, I alluded to that later on in that paragraph. She’s doing what the beltway pundits call a “mid-election pivot” but what I call straight-up lying. The fact that there’s a term for this and it isn’t derogatory is a sign of a greater underlying problem. I don’t think she’s that much different from the others. If anything, she’s more like them than they are, but that’s the problem.
She’s just like Obama, only moreso, which for me is a bad thing. He either sold out or was a closet neoliberal the whole time. He ran on hope and change but gave us more of the same.
My issues aren’t really left-wing or right-wing, they’re anti-establishment vs pro-establishment. Something has to change. Not the caretaker of the system, but the system itself. If you don’t agree, vote for Clinton, she’s your candidate.
I think both are true to an extent. She’s corruptable but also a corrupting influence herself. However, if you’re totally right, then that is way worse than I thought.
Some things are a matter of right and wrong, end of story.
As a real technophile I favor elegant solutions over needless complication.
Or discovered that even the president can’t make something happen just by wishing it.
In my lifetime the only 2 presidents who were able to somehow make policy happen over the coordinated efforts of the opposition were LBJ and Reagan. The former certainly seemed to be the “lesser of 2 evils” coming in, but he ended up engineering enormous long-lasting improvements in the country. The latter broke us so badly that we still haven’t recovered.
Which is why we need to recover the wealth taken from the economy by the boomers, including the opportunity cost from the fact that they built nothing during the time they ran things.
If we’re smart, we’ll redistribute that boomer wealth, and let them die in the bed they shat in.
Oh look. A boomer unwilling to take responsibility for their actions. How novel.
You know, the people who got to grow up with record low poverty, and record high prosperity and opportunity. Then made it absurdly hard for their children to do well.
Seriously, the millenials are the first in four generations who say that they don’t think they can make a better world for their children.
I completely agree about how valuable a part time job can be to teenagers, but I think a lot of them just don’t have the time. There seems to be a lot more expected of them than when I was in school (I’m 44 and got my first job at 14).
Also, I think there’s a lot more competition for those types of jobs now. Who is the supermarket going to hire? A teenager with restrictions on the hours they can work, or a desperate adult who’ll be there whenever you want them?
I’d love one 6 year term for presidents. Gives them time to at least try to do what they said without worrying about pissing off people whose votes they might need in 4 years.
A lot of us were simply unhirable.
“oh you’re the valedictorian of your class? Then you’re unhirable. Anywhere. Because you’re too smart and know your constitutional, state, county, and city rights, so we can’t squeeze an extra dime out of you. If you were dumb, we could take advantage of you and all your stupid friends and turn a profit.”
The booming economy made your stupid ideas a reality without any regard for long-term sustainability. The current economy says “whatever you try to do is going to fail unless you lie.”
I’m not into lying for a living so therefore I’m going to be poor and be happy with myself.
I got fired from my teenaged fast-food job because I wasn’t a little myrmidon that followed orders blindly, so this is pretty much accurate.
Gen X is the first generation in American history to have a lower standard of living than their parents. We saw this coming, and were too young to do anything about it. By the time we came into power- Yeah, just kidding, the Boomers still haven’t relinquished control.
Millennials woke up to a pretty bleak world. We were awake to watch it happen.
As a GenXer, I mostly agree. I saw it coming when it was happening, and I’m doing what I can to not make the same mistakes the Boomers made. I’m not totally powerless, but I am lacking in systemic power.
Might be there’s never a GenX president (or, indeed, a Silent Generation one - Sanders was their last chance).
If there is, it’ll probably be Ted Cruz.
We went from a president born in 1924 to 24 and counting consecutive years of Boomer presidents.
The only two GenXers I can see becoming president are Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. The Democrats really don’t have anyone young and prominent except maybe for the Castro brothers. This is surprising and saddening, because the Democrats are supposed to be the young person’s party.
I will point out that the definition of a Boomer is someone whose parents lived through the Depression, at least one of whom was a veteran of WWII (or otherwise a young adult at the time). That severely affected how the Boomers were raised, and in turn how they raised their own children. Context matters.
It’s 1946-1963, technically. People born during the war don’t count as Boomers.
Also, people who couldn’t serve because of disability could still have Boomer kids.