Millennials "don't realize" they are millennials

Damn you Millenial kids, get off my lawn.

Damn you Boomers, you screwed all of us.

A GenXer


Do I really need to say “just kidding”, or do you get that I’m kidding?


I mean, hey, I don’t even have a lawn.


Hey! Stop looking at the actual data to find evidence for your position. We’re busy sneering at all those young people.

Probably because of those damn Boomers!


This is all so full of so much kinds of crap.

Technically, I’m a baby boomer. But so are my parents. And I was a little kid when all the stereotypical life shaping boomer crap happened, like JFK getting shot or Vietnam. Hell, I was still a nerdy little dweeb in public school and missed the entire sexual revolution. My technically Gen X-er little brother was a freshman in high school the year I was a senior. But yet they call me a boomer. I have zero identity with that.

When the Gen X-er’s were coming of age, we had the same exact crap articles in the papers then as well. What is going to become of this generation? Look at how messed up it is! They aren’t like us at all! We’re so great! So is it the Gen X-er’s turn to dump on the newer generation?

I work at a major public university. I also attended the same one. So I’ve seen a lot of college kids. Guess what? Many are narcissistic little brats. Not all. Probably not even most. But a lot of them are. Same 30 years ago. Probably the same 30 years from now. Today they have social media so it’s more obvious. Believe me, if we could take selfies with our phones in the '80’s and post them somewhere, we’d have been just as obnoxious.

So good for the newest round of young adults for refusing to indentify with arbitrary dates and instead being themselves.


Me too, except it was 1963!

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I just tried Google and voilá, exactly what your screenshot has!

Hey! WATCH it! :wink:

“…And I have been called a Boomer, to my face (I’m old but I’m not that old!)…”


The Internet tells me that Millennials are the Ben Franlkin Generation, and they’re changing the way wine is sold.

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+1 Would Fave Again

I once had a high school student I was teaching say, " I even have music you like on here", meaning her phone. Then she played a Beach Boys song.

I was born in 1970.

(I do like the Beach Boys, but not the way she meant.)


For me, this article is very good news. I keep getting told at seminars that “millennials will change the workplace!”, and when we’re given examples – more working from home! More texting, fewer meetings! – it’s stuff myself and every Gen Xer I know have been wanting/using for ages.

I think for a lot of this stuff, it’s more accurate to say “anyone doing business in tech in 2015”. I just finished reading Creativity Inc., and Ed Catmull, born in the 1950s, is into an awful lot of “Millennial” work structures.

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Well said. I straddle the line of Genx/WhateverinBetween/Millennial, and I guess sometimes I don’t know where I belong. There was a post recently that called me the “Oregon Trail Generation”. Yeah, that’s me, I guess. Good as anything.


“Snot-nosed anklebiters”

It’s weird. I’m an avid game-watcher, and do some channel chat moderation on Twitch. There’s crazy variability in people’s ages. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had wide-ranging conversations with erudite people who know a ton about all sorts of things, history, politics, science, math, the list goes on, and I think hey maybe they’re my age. Sometimes they seem like prof or something in their 50s-60s, but half the time it turns out it’s some 14 year old kid who was born after 9/11.

Then I just sit there, feeling old.


How does that account for the 8% who think they’re Baby Boomers? They get a pass on Silent and Greatest, because 1) those aren’t very widely used and 2) the names could be seen as applying to anyone who feels their voice isn’t heard or they’re totally awesome. But for an 18 or a 34 year old to check Boomer on that survey suggests a certain obliviousness.

I always found Joshua Glenn’s unorthdox, but less marketing-tinged, generation-labelling scheme a bit more thoughtful and a bit less arbitrary than the typical ‘Gen-Y’ bullshit:

(However, my enjoyment of it dropped a bit when he shifted the time-frame goalposts for one generation, which moved me from the ‘Revivalist’ generation (aligned with parts of Gens X and Y in common parlance), to the stupidly-named ‘Social Dawikians’ (hews closely to the timeframe for Millenials in common parlance)…)

Question: Wasn’t “silent” gen the same as the WWI gen? How do we have WWI survivors but not WWII accounted for?

nvm, That was the Lost Generation.

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