Milwaukee mayor fires back after Trump calls his city horrible: He's "unhinged"


Right? I’m so sick of the past nearly 10 years now of news outlets trying to hand-wave Trump’s utterances away and try to “interpret” his words as meaning anything more than they are.

Everybody should know by now that he doesn’t need “interpreting”. He’s not a Martian using interpretive dance and astrological charts to create vaguely meaningful prophecies that needs a panel of experts to try to decode.

He’s literally saying who he is and what he wants to do and some people just won’t accept that. I wish I had a nickel for every time a reporter, talking head, or republican shill said, “what he was actually saying was…”

My rules about the thing Trump says:
Rule 1: Trump isn’t funny. He has never been funny. He has never tried to be funny. He will never be funny. He’s one of the most dour human beings on Earth. Franz Kafka if he were alive would be writing posts on Mastodon saying that how Trump needs to lighten up a little already. Ergo, he doesn’t say things as a fucking joke so stop trying to excuse the things he says as jokes.

Rule 2: When he says he wants to do something, he means it (and probably even worse than what he says). When he says he wants to “deport all illegals” he literally wants to do that (although he doesn’t much care if the people he deports are actually “illegals” or not). When he says he wants to “deport all Muslims” he doesn’t mean “just the bad ones” — they are all the “bad ones”. When he says he wants to be a dictator, well, see Rule 1.

Rule 3: He has literally no policies, agenda, or beliefs beyond whatever will get him the most power and/or money. Stop trying to ascribe his random utterances as being “policy”. “Retribution” isn’t a policy. “make America great again” isn’t a policy. These things are taglines. If you think he’s talking about policy, he’s not. See Rule 2.

Rule 4: If anybody calls him “President Trump” (without the word “former” preceding it), everything they have or will say must now be considered abject bullshit.


Trump has once again made clear that “crime” means Black people. He also subjected himself to a cognitive test and failed.

Though he spared Detroit, Trump did make similarly denigrating remarks on Saturday about the nation’s capital which is 53% Black and Latino. He called Washington DC a “nightmare of murder and crime”, warning visitors to the Washington Monument and Jefferson Memorial that “you end up getting killed, you end up getting shot, beat to a pulp”.


Milwaukee rules!

My college friend grew up in Wisconsin. He had an "I closed Wolsky’s” bumpers sticker in his room. I was happy to get the chance to drink at Wolsky’s, though I didn’t close it down.

Also Summerfest!


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