Mind-bending pulp paperback augmented reality installation from Imaginary Foundation

Originally published at: Mind-bending pulp paperback augmented reality installation from Imaginary Foundation | Boing Boing


What are “augmented reality activated NFTs” and how many VC dudebros invested in this installation?


Is that you, Bobby Chombo?

I’m going to guess the the augmented reality activated NFT’s means that the whole thing is marketing to try and pump and dump the digital assets.


Yeah, I lost interest as soon as I saw “NFT”. It’s funny how those 3 letters have become so repulsive to me.

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Indeed, and it in turn made me annoyed at the rest of the copy too. Are those paperbacks really “upcycled?” The implication being: You know how crappy books are? Well, we’re making them into ART! Isn’t that so much better than boring old stories?

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I went to the instagram post and I STILL have zero idea about what is ACTUALLY going on here except that there are a lot of books “assembled” into…something.

DO things appear on the phone when pointed at the books?

Like…graphics? different words? Different books?

Yup…STILL have ZERO idea what is actually happening or supposed to happen.

P.S. Remember the movie BIG?

Eventually he realizes that turning a comic book into an electronic THING to get ‘…a comic book experience but…better…’ was dumb?

Without ACTUALLY telling me what’s going on, this is what it feels like it is to me.

PLEASE prove me wrong…

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