Not everything, just arseholes who shit all over them and the mess they have made.
It’s like butter but not butter. Butter on toast is good.
I’ve seen quite a few improbable occurrences in association football cup competitions.
And thank YOU for continuing the stereotype of Typical Comment Board Tropes. After the memes and animated gifs (cue the anime girl slamming her head on the lunch table, Alan Rickman flipping a table, and Bugs Bunny sawing some part of the USA off) come people with reasoned arguments and logical anger, and then come folks like yourself, riding in on a high horse to announce that everyone here is awful except for yourself.
I agree totally, and I’d say the World Cup has provided a heaping of it over the past few weeks- Brazil!!!
But baseball has an advantage by playing out mostly as a string of unique events which almost paradoxically increase the likelihood of absurdly improbable moments. Baseball also has a near bottomless pile of data to dig through, so in many instances actual probabilities can be derived. Just last night, Mookie Betts had an at-bat that has never occurred, at least in the era of pitch counting.
My grandparents came of age during the Great Depression. I think most folks in their generation learned how to be good with money pretty fucking quick (though maybe not the rich kids).
My cohort came of age during the Great Recession. I think most folks in my generation learned how to be good with money pretty fucking quick (though maybe not the rich kids).
Despite that, there are still financial predators constantly trying to fuck us over. So please don’t blame the victims for the financial situation that older generations put them in.
The disdain older generations have for us is sickening. Y’all failed to prevent the horrible situation the planet is in right now (and probably made it worse), so don’t expect us to be thanking you anytime soon.
Honestly, Boomers should be the group that’s disdained (and held accountable), but I love my parents too much to do that. Plus, we’re just too busy trying to survive AND clean up the mess older generations left for us to bother focusing our energy into trying to make them feel like shit for what is their fault (like they do to us for what isn’t), so y’all are getting off easy.
Sigh - not all of us. Some of us are overcompensating I think.
I’m going to be 50 before anyone figures out my generation isn’t a “youth” generation anymore.
People can get that something is ironic, but still find that the ironic thing is condescending to them.
You wouldn’t say a person of color “doesn’t get irony” after they’ve been offended at something “ironically” racist, would you?
On the one hand, the generation war business with the bad stereotypes is getting old, especially now that “Millennials” are hitting their mid-30s.
On the other hand, some of these are pretty funny.
As an early Gen-Xer, I would like to go on record that I like selfies, naps are fucking amazing, and if you gave me the choice of watching a free baseball game and paying to take a millennial out to brunch then I’ll choose the company of a millennial every time.
If you watch ads and take a step back, a LOT of them pose their customers as idiots. It’s not a new thing.
Thing is, you are thinking and talking about the organization that made the decision now. Ever heard of them before yesterday? Me either. Mission at least partly accomplished.
Sure except now i will be actively avoiding them vs not knowing who they were. So, yay?
Millennial does not mean “people who are between 18-24”. When you use the term millennial for 10 years, the people you are labelling are still aging in those 10 years–that’s how generations work. Millennials are in the mid to late-30s now.
Well it worked though didn’t it. They got their free internet attention and advertising out of it. I wonder when this country will run out of young people to cannibalize. Good thing I already DGAF about baseball and I’m too old to start caring now. It’s Gen Z they ought to be aiming for. What do people even say about Gen Z? The mass shooting generation? See the thing is we’re the last youth generation you can really make fun of anymore because the piper has shown up to be paid.
Well, Paul Ryan is a Gen Xer who supposedly likes Rage Against the Machine. I think we can blame him for a few things. But, yeah, there is a good amount of Gen X folks who aren’t to blame. However, it should be noted that Gen X appears to straddle a major social divide, when looking at the recent US Presidential election. A majority of voters over 45 (which includes older Gen Xers) voted for Trump, while a majority of voters 44 and under (which includes younger Gen Xers) did not vote for Trump.
I believe the reason we don’t hear about Gen X in this debate comes down to a couple things: Generation X is small in comparison to Boomers and Millenials, and Boomers have managed to hold onto political power for so long that Gen X (especially left-wing Gen X) was never afforded much of an opportunity to affect political and institutional change like Millenials are getting now, and like Boomers had (and still have).
My dad likes going to minor league games. He says they feel more like what baseball games were like during his youth, plus they’re cheaper and don’t involve driving downtown.
Yeah pretty much - God forbid someone makes a joke. Here comes the outrage horde to open their mouths and remove all doubt. Didn’t they know we CAN’T laugh anymore, because everything is awful/doomed?
I really loved the comment about the team being racist to boot. Since generational is the same thing as racial. Maybe next the team can do a “No Offense Night” where everything is bland and monotone and everything is as muted as possible to not offend anyone.
That would be yourself and Bob, to be clear, yes?
It seems to me that what this team’s marketing was doing isn’t badly marketing to Millenials – it’s marketing to folks like yourself who think that mocking young people as lazy, entitled, terrible people is so funny that it’s high time to go watch some baseball and laugh about everyone offended by being mocked.
It’s a vicious cycle of nasty marketing and cynical attitudes. I’m not a fan of it.