Perhaps they give this a shot right after their African American Watermelon Night promotion.
I don’t think that’s true at all. I don’t think I’ve ever heard, or heard of, generational humor that was so mean-spirited, smug, relentless, and ill-founded before. I don’t think the boomers (or anyone else) put up with such criticism with good humor, either.
But let’s suppose, for the sake of argument, that you’re perfectly right. Your point is basically “My generation was stupid enough to put up with this kind of abuse, so everyone younger than me is morally obligated to follow suit forever.” To hell with that.
It looks to me like the most scathing replies aren’t coming from millennials anyway, but from older people who are sick and tired of seeing their friends, relatives, and fellow citizens maligned for everything they do or don’t do.
Millennials aren’t the first generation to be called self absorbed, and we won’t be the last. Not if I have anything to do with it. #bidingmytime
Baby Boomer Night! Come celebrate the Least Great Generation!
I was born in 1982, so I feel kind of between Generation X and Millennials- most of the stuff associated with Gen X I was only exposed to in grade school or earlier, but I also remember that time before the internet when the year 2000 still seemed like the distant future, which I think sets me apart from a lot of younger Millennials. It’s because of shit like this that I tend to consider myself a Millennial, though, despite my loathing of avocados.
Today’s youth have had their futures ripped away from them by greed, ignorance and apathy, and now those responsible are mocking them for it. As an honest, hard-working, educated person who is attempting to start his own business because it’s literally easier than getting a job that pays a living wage these days, I sympathize immensely.
I’m GenX myself and it is interesting how we seem to be written out of this debate lately. It’s as if we don’t exist. I mean I suppose it is nice that we aren’t the ones being blamed, but all this “the previous generation had it so much better” seems to be aimed at the Boomers.
My daughter is 19, so I’ve been spending time with her generation’s art, politics, music, etc, and I’m consistently impressed and inspired. By adopting an adversarial and hyper-critical attitude towards them, older folks are missing out on what many days feels to me like the only ray of hope for the future. Most of these kids have a great attitude about this particular set of tropes, they just simply don’t engage with them.
Hate it or love it baseball is an improbability generator. No sport churns out utterly random occurrences like bb.
It’s because we came of age during the transition period. Some of us were old and smart enough to profit off the a newly unregulated financial system and new tech sectors, but we weren’t old enough to be making the rules that forced us into the path we’re now on.
We benefited from some of the warm left-overs of the previous system, but by and large we’re in the same post-boomer boat as the younger folk where we’ve been told all our lives to just try harder by a generation that grew up with free university (at least in my country) and an expectation of home ownership and job security and retirement, then took all of that from everyone else because it wasn’t enough.
Plus we were slackers and never did anything. You can’t blame us for all the nothing we did, and we couldn’t do nothing because the Boomers were already in charge.
Already Gen Z is being lumped in with Milennials, forming a super-Generation the size of the Boomers. So even though they are the ones eating the Tide Pods, Milennials get the blame.
I don’t think that’s accurate.
You watch? Effort, man. Uncool.
Here is a list of baseball leagues FYI:
- Ultra League
- Greater League
- Major League
- Normal League
- Minor League
- Lesser League
- Insignificant League
Disclaimer: I may know nothing at all about baseball.
I concur.
The first version I attempted to link to came up with an “unavailable” message which seemed somehow appropriate.
Well, I guess that confirms the trope about Americans not getting irony.
The long list of replies that are against the promotion are ironically helping to make the point: Millennials are offended by everything.
Thank you all for confirming that the stereotype is firmly rooted in absolute truth.
Gen Xers are mostly not the children of boomers; mostly, they are the interceding generation between boomers and their millennial children.
The MILB needs to talk to this team owner pronto - this is 180° off-message.
“Millennial Night Doubleheader - you work two jobs for one living wage, so watch two games on one ticket! Selfie station! Half-price craft beers and chips and guac!”
Yes, the protesting youth of the sixties and seventies were notoriously tolerant of the good natured ribbing of their revered elders.
And they created the title “Generation X” to be an insult, implying they don’t believe or stand for anything.