Mississippi state rep tells distraught mom to buy kid's lifesaving meds "with money she earns"

If he’s anything like me, he went the whole day being smugly proud of himself for coming up with such an awesome response, and then went home and boasted about it to his wife, who then gave him a jolting reality check of how boneheadedly stupid and tone-deaf he was. If that’s the case, his wife undoubtedly drafted the apology and made him send it.


Christ, what a Trumphole.


What’s the difference?

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Cuz pro/anti Vape arguments are even more awful and pointless than the gun threads?
(or because the comments are sometimes randomly b0rked)

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In order to get the cactus in there, you’d need to extract his head. Given how long I suspect it’s been stuffed up there, that may be harder than it sounds.


He may say he’s willing to help … but how is he actually helping? Don’t just talk the talk, Representative – walk the walk. [And no, “thoughts and prayers” aren’t sufficient, unless you’ve found a medical supplier that accepts them in exchange for goods and services.]


He might suggest that they try switching to homeopathic doses of insulin to make their supply more effective and longer lasting.


Your diabetics, they just love cake.

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Actually, I do, and I can even have some cake every now and then. However I also know that (most) cake isn’t worth my toes, so I don’t get very much cake. Most diabetics learn this very quickly. Those that don’t … well, I’ve known three people to get diagnosed, lose a few toes, lose a leg, and die. In that exact order, and in each case, in under three years. That was pretty solid motivation for me: I’ve been living with it for 21 years now.


I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn


OMG, this SO needs to be part of how the Internet rage machine responds to cases like this.

(That said: he gave a genuine apology. So hold on to your leashes. )

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But they’re happy to put other things into general circulation for the rest of us to interact with–CO2, Lead, Arsenic, Smog, Fracking Chemicals… but not money. That has to be taken out of circulation.


I think that’s in part because money (supposedly) insulates from such toxins. That it doesn’t, and that it eventually won’t insulate them either from the masses of people that they’re managing so far to keep outside the gates – those are realities that money blinds most from seeing.


But UKIP, who seem to be calling the shots, (ironically?) now support European style insurance systems, not a US style free-for-all. So there’s that.

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I hope it was random, because without the comments those pseudo-articles pretending to be actual content would stop being useful and start being an actual attempt at deceit.


Ah the joys of not having single payer health care :frowning:


He’s changing the scenario for the better?

Oh wait, no. He didn’t give an apology for what he’s doing to her.


But we wouldn’t want RATIONING!

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