Mississippi state rep tells distraught mom to buy kid's lifesaving meds "with money she earns"

His apology sez it all, again.

He accidentally revealed his truer nature, and that’s what he is apologizing for, because he has to.

He’d like to think the people of Mississippi know he is willing to help where he is able, but deep inside, he’s the one that knows it is’t true, and now so do many others.


His “truer nature” is shared by most politicians, and that goes double for those on the Right. It was actually a good quality apology. Especially given the mileage men of his persuasion get out of being public swine.

Having said that, the MS Medicaid eligibility stats that you cited (and which I linked to above) are horrifying. Morbidity and mortality in that state always vie for worst-in-nation, year in and year out. This is why. Just be glad that, in the land of the late Mayor Ford, regular guys have been socialized to believe health care is a public service akin to garbage pick-up and street paving. Because Ontario is chucky-jam packed with long time natives who are trending bitterly right. Try to counter that assertion if you will, but it’s based on 2 decades of visits to my in-laws, and opinions I’ve heard voiced in Toronto, in Kitchener, Waterloo, at the cottage on Lake Huron, in Kingston… you get my drift?


It’s legal because it makes people money and people with money are generally the ones who put the people who make the laws in office. It’s possible because we let it be possible.


You’re paying attention?

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If you behead a shithead, does it leave a shit?


Regardless of what’s left I’m bettin’ on a whole lot of stinky


I’m guessin’ you’ll be able to get that poop for free if the cactus intercourse happens as suggested.

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There’s such a simple solution to all this. Any company or healthcare provider that wants to sell/practice within the country should be required to accept any insurance, including medicaid. And any insurance, including medicaid, should be required to pay any licensed/FDA-approved provider/seller for healthcare as prescribed by a licensed provider.

No more in-network/out-of-network scams, no more “your doctor prescribed an effective and side-effect-free treatment, but we only cover ineffective old treatments with lots of bad side effects and interactions with your other medicine”, no more “we don’t cover that”.

We just need a rule that if you want to play in our country’s healthcare playground, you have to play fair.


How about, single payer. Like literally any other developed country?


Exactly. What sort of lesson is this for an impressionable eight year old? She should get a paper round, sell lemonade, do whatever it takes and pay for her own meds.


Don’t worry, the Tory Party will explain to us why American style medical “care” is better and more affordable and fairer than the old NHS some day soon.


Rep Guice declined to answer press questions about his response, saying only, “I don’t do interviews human interation.”


and the economy will thrive as soon as the 350*10^6 pounds per week are pumped in the for-profit insurance system!


And yet that’s $4,000 cheaper than this one girl’s diabetes treatments.


Libraries, little girls, unaffordable meds, overworked parents… There’s not enough money to go around, now that the wealthy are hoarding so much of it.


The only things that trickle down are piss and derision.


@doctorow Why did you disable comments under https://boingboing.net/2016/06/28/revolutionize-your-vape-game-w.html ?

The library where I work stopped subscribing to Ferroelectrics when the price exceeded $28,000/year back in the 90s…


That sounds surprisingly like the text of an actual apology. The bit that segues from apology into plea for himself is not ideal form, but still, I’m genuinely surprised.


And many persons will be easily convinced. They sound so confident saying that!

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