Model of Ancient Rome fills room

My brother got kicked out of the architecture program and became a city planner instead. He plans bus routes now in a major metropolitan city. My SO jokes that he’s a bus driver.


We did three-dee scan the thing, over ten years ago:


Mussolini was trying to turn Italy into a new Roman empire. He moved the capital from Naples to Rome and set off a building boom including a lot of god awful concrete block architecture. He took the fasces, a bundle of sticks with an axe centered in them, the old Roman symbol for the power of the state to punish the individual, as his party’s emblem. Yes, he was a Fascist-TM, despite recent propaganda. He glorified war and suppressed the workers, but he kept the business interests in place by setting prices and terms of business. He was a real goon, and even the Italians were more than ready to say good riddance.


Has anybody tried doing this with it yet?


The cinematographer, Vittorio Storaro, used that same model in the documentary about his cinema craft called “Writing with Light”.

Came to post a reference to this. It would be amazing to have this all in one piece.

Don’t mess with city planners. They fly planes into skyscrapers.

You’d think they would miss- knowing where they are an all.

I don’t know what it is, but something makes me want to install a working scale mag-lev or HSST-type train line in it.

Difficult, but pithy.

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