Mondrian painting hung upside-down for 75 years, mocking everyone who ever stood in front of it stroking their smug pretentious chins

" Le Bateau caused a minor stir when the Museum of Modern Art, New York, which housed it, hung the work upside-down for 47 days in 1961 until Genevieve Habert, a stockbroker, noticed the mistake and notified a guard. Habert later informed *The New York Times, which in turn notified Monroe Wheeler, the Museum’s art director. As a result, the artwork was rehung properly."

What a tortuous chain of events; it could be the plot to a Wes Anderson film. I’d like to see Adrien Brody cast as “the guard”, and Tild Swinton as “the stockbroker, Genevieve Habert”.

@Mister44 Orientation is, I hear, a Social Construct.