I dunno, they could still be hiding in there. I’d throw a bug bomb in there each time, taking cover in a nearby ditch until the fumes dissipate.
This is one of those really good why-didn’t-I-think-of-it? ideas. Although in my case it might be because I usually pick up my mail while it’s still light and have never discovered anything nesting in the mailbox.
I don’t have my copy of Paul Hillyard’s The Book of the Spider handy but I do remember that a scientist who tried to study the effects of the black widow’s bite by getting himself bitten found it difficult to start the experiment because the spider kept trying to get away. He finally had to back it into a corner.
On the other hand they will bite if disturbed. Apparently they find the area around the hole in outhouses appealing which sometimes resulted in people being bitten on the genitals.
There’s a nice thought for you.
…and that’s when the spider hiding in the ditch gets you.
I’ve opened my mailbox to find a scorpion in there before. Not necessarily as dangerous as a black widow, but still made me a bit nervous for a good while.
No, silly, you already have the motion triggered Claymores in the ditch. Just, be sure to turn them off before diving in.
On the other hand they will bite if disturbed. Apparently they find
the area around the hole in outhouses appealing which sometimes resulted
in people being bitten on the genitals.
There’s a nice thought for you.
“Bad news kids, we don’t get mail anymore.”
“God news though! No more bills!”
The company’s (Otter Lab) Website ( http://www.otterlab.com/ ) is a hoot with several reasons why you should buy this. I’ll post a few photos.
If you’re still worried about spiders, you can also invest in a cheap pack of pouch tobacco (cigs might turn out cheaper, depending). Make some “tobacco tea” by steeping it in water and then spray the inside of the box. It’s a pretty effective relatively benign (compared to commercial poisons) spider repellent in my experience. Of course my experience consists of not seeing something and calling it success, so have a grain of salt handy.

I just ordered this motion-activated mailbox light
Did you get that “modification” of your mailbox approved by your local postmaster?
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