MoveOn tells Sanders to move on

Yes, it basically comes down to a fight over policy now more than the actual nomination. Sanders isn’t going to officially give in until he gets some concessions, and I’m guessing he didn’t get what he wanted in his meeting with Obama yesterday. It’s true that on a lot of issues they aren’t that far apart, but on some that are important to Sanders, such as banking reform, campaign finance reform, the TPP, minimum wage, Sanders probably wants to see more robust commitments.


I thought their meeting was tomorrow?


Yes, you’re right–my confusion.

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I’m OK with Bernie staying in the race one more week just because I think it’s messed up when American voters don’t even get a chance to participate in the Primaries. But I’ve accepted that more Democratic voters seem to be backing Clinton than Sanders even if some parts of the process are kind of shady. Bernie was my favored candidate, but he didn’t win. Women and minorities are digging Hillary more and I won’t begrudge them that.

I agree with Bernie’s earlier statement to the effect that “on her worst day, Clinton would be a better President than Trump on his best day.” Sanders doesn’t want Trump in the White House and neither do I.


I don’t think those images are illustrative of much in particular, we’re talking about their policies. We know for a fact that much of their stated policies are very similar, we don’t know for a fact how genuinely each of them believes in those policies (Sanders may have held back on some policies, Clinton may have pushed beyond what she would normally have gone for on some), we also don’t know how likely either of them would be to enact any of their policies for various practical reasons. We can only really speculate as to how the latter two factors would have played out under either presidency, your original post was simply factually inaccurate.


I’ve been told repeatedly that Sanders support isn’t actually coming from “real” democrats, so what’s the problem? It’s not like he’s costing the party any actual Democratic votes.


Statistically, almost all politicians keep most of their promises. And Clinton and Sanders are promising very similar policies. So don’t need to look into their souls.


Sanders isn’t in the race to win anymore, he’s in the race to push an agenda that would evaporate if he conceded. I’m surprised people don’t see that. In any case, I’m with @Daneel on this one, I know who my candidate is for the general election and it isn’t Sanders anymore, though I continue to encourage him.


The problem is the first part of your first sentence clearly isn’t the case. Sanders received plenty of support from registered democrats in closed primaries and caucuses, sure he did significantly better in open primaries where the voters may well have been republicans or Trump supporters for all we know, but he clearly has enough support from within the party that it would be a problem if they failed to get on board with the duly elected representative of the party.

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I’ve never seen so much smearing at a first grader’s finger-painting party. Come off it, we know that this didn’t happen. The polls at worst showed a willingness for Trump voters to go with Bernie over Hillary- which is far from the same thing.


No. We do know.

You keep basically saying or implying that they’re basically the same, and that their differences are trivial. They’re not, and they’re not.

And it’s not like the enormous differences between them are anything new. I can easily see which one is basically out for herself, and which one isn’t.


I dunno’, I mean almost every time I suggested that Clinton would benefit from addressing the concerns of the Sanders base I was repeatedly told that “Sander’s and his supporters do not represent the real Democratic base, Secretary Clinton isn’t obliged to cater to those outside her party.”

It’ not like the Democratic party would ignore a portion of their base’s interests because they just assume that those folks will fall in line out of fear. Us liberal are the ones making fun of the other folks for fear-based voting.



He’s a good man with the best of intentions, I believe. But it’s time to thrown in the towel. He’d make a great secretary of housing.or something. It’d be hard for her to chose him as her running mate because when you campaign against someone you spend a fair amount of time telling everyone why the other person sucks. Looking forward to who these yahoos choose as running mates though (maybe Cory Booker and Chris Christie – Jersey represent!). Sanders very well may be realizing that this is his last chance … and maybe should have made a run at it years ago. Or maybe someone at the FBI has tipped him off that there will be something coming between now and Philadelphia (unlikely).

huh? they wouldn’t have been voting for Sanders for president, they would have been voting to spoil Clinton’s chances of ending up in the general election. I don’t know why you would rule such trolling out so easily. not saying it happened, but don’t see why it wouldn’t have - there’s nothing (AFAIK) stopping someone from voting in both primaries in a state as long as they’re eligible to vote in them individually.

more obfuscation, not even counting the various half truths in those images. the fact is that their stated policies, their actual presidential platforms, are very similar. it’s very simple really.

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Cornel West is one cool mo-fo. I’d love to see him in the White House.


Yes, we all agree on the “important” stuff like that it is good to breathe air that is about 22% oxygen, solid bedrock is more conducive to building than swampland, sunlight is good for making plants grow, etc.

Their differences are all on weird, abstract, nitpicky stuff like whether the economy should continue to benefit only the already wealthy or whether we should keep getting embroiled in more resource wars around the world.


Copy editor here: the song lyrics are actually “Get along, little DOGIE.” (A dogie is a motherless calf.)


What can be presented without evidence can be dismissed with equal evidence. That’s all I have left to say on the issue.


Yes, paying attention to what politicians say when they’re trying to get elected – as opposed to what they’ve actually done – is very simple(minded). Really.

And in this case, it’s a damn shame that so many voters are similarly simpleminded, considering the contrasts between what Clinton says and does, and the consistency with which what Sanders says matches what he does.