Musician plays a security gate like a flute to make beautiful music

Originally published at: Musician plays a security gate like a flute to make beautiful music | Boing Boing


Was that Clair de lune?


Prefer it more freeform myself.


sounding like a flutist in an enchanted forest


Next, I’d like to see Yo-Yo Ma play Bach’s Cello Suite No. 1 in G Major, Prélude, on a set of Yo Yos.


Skeleton Key had a “Junk Percussionist” who would routinely play propane tanks and garden hoses. He also did a wind solo playing a bicycle with the seat removed.


Where do I get a shirt like his, though?


Here you go.


I really wanted to see him play the shotgun!
For some fun play an oven rack. You will need an oven rack and a shoelace, and a friend. loop the shoelace through the rack and wrap each end around your index fingers and stick your fingers in your ears… now have the friend strum the rack.

Like that time Frank Zappa played a bicycle on the Steve Allen show.


$20 dollar you no hollar!

I’d never seen that before. Thank you for sharing it!

Seeing Frank Zappa and George Carlin when their careers were just starting is really shocking. The stiff suits and clean-shaven faces just seem to be barely containing the intelligence, creativity, and wildness that would eventually emerge from both men.


Zappa’s voice also became MUCH deeper after suffering a crushed larynx, from an attack by the jealous boyfriend of an adoring fan at a concert. Yes, really o.o’ .

Musician plays a security gate like a flute

Yeah… Um, once you drill the holes in it, it IS a flute, basically, just a super-unwieldy model ^^’ .

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I was of the same mind and shocked to see “flutist” - never seen that usage before.

But then I looked it up and was even more shocked.

Flautist vs. flutist

For the noun denoting a person who plays the flute, Americans usually use flutist . In varieties of English from outside North America, flautist is more common. The web-searchable Canadian-English sample size is too small to be useful, but both words are used to some degree by Canadian writers.

Flutist , from the French flûtiste , is by far the older word in English, and it is not American in origin. The OED lists an example from 1603, though the word remained rare in any form until the early 18th century. It was the preferred form in all varieties of English until the late 19th century, when flautist , which came to English from the Italian flautista early that century, was fully adopted in British English.

If you can’t decide which form to use, flute-player is a noncontroversial alternative.


Today I learned. Not having grown up in the USA I can see why i use flautist.

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Me too. But I love how they say ‘outside North America’ implying it is not just USians but also Canadians who usually use flutist, and then contradict themselves in the next sentence, admitting (a) they cannot be sure and (b) both seem to be in use anyway.

Also Americans ‘usually’ use, implying that flautist is used too, and flutist is not exclusively the term in USA. So I think your

with a question mark was a perfectly reasonable comment. But we both learned that flutist is acceptable, even though, to my ear, it sounds more than just wrong, but ignorant.

“Two nations divided by a common language” for sure. :wink:

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I hadn’t heard “Flutist” before.

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i feel like this commercial was on every 12 seconds when i was a kid


12 seconds was too long to wait, in my humble opine…

A tube is a tube. Except YouTube, obviously.