Mysterious swimming pool found in abandoned Baltimore townhouse

Pool party…


Or that there are numerous, obvious, building codes violations. I doubt that there were permits pulled.


I don’t think so, simply because there’s nowhere to fuck


You guys need more vision! This place could be amazing and that price is incredible. Around here that would be bought and fixed up with some builder grade granite and sold for half a million bucks. I’d be all over it if it was local to me.

Everything looks rough and skeezy when it’s a vacant run down foreclosure. My current house is amazing and it had falling ceilings and holes in the roof when we bought it. Two years of hard labor and more money than I care to admit and it’s great I highly recommend it to any other masochists out there.



Yeah totally. I love it here and it’s really perfect for me in certain ways but my anxiety is fairly out of control lately. Guy got murdered down the street from me in a “good” neighborhood. That’s the second time that happened. It feels close to home because it is.

I’ve left and moved back a couple times partially because it’s so crazy. And then when I’m away I miss it and come back. So much good stuff here and so fucked up at the same time.

Working as a nurse in the ER has helped me to understand the deep fuckuption of this city.


I was almost run down (at a crosswalk, with right of way) in Charles Village a few weeks ago. I had a heated interaction with the driver, who threatened to kick my ass multiple times because I had the audacity to tap on his hood a few times when he almost killed me with his vehicle, within about an inch or two. He almost hit me again when he pulled away.

A few Hopkins security people were right on the block, watching this go down (I got their attention when it seemed like the guy might be nuts). Afterwards, I talked to them, and I called the police to file a report. I got a photo of the plate but it was too blurry to make out. But after giving the description of the guy and vehicle to the cop who showed up, and he spent a few minutes in his car, he comes back and said:

“So, your description is a match for a guy involved in an armed robbery in the country earlier. Oh yeah, there’s the helicopter going after him,” gesturing the the ever-present police chopper.

An acquaintance of mine was shot in a carjacking/robbery-gone-bad (like they’re not bad enough) a few years ago, in Roland Park of all places (across the street from The Rotunda, before the development project). This is “a good part of town,” but yeah, I mean I guess technically it’s not that far from, what, the “bad” part of town? Is that synonym for… more black part of town? I don’t know. He technically died I believe, was resuscitated, spent I think a few months in the hospital, was very lucky to make it through alive and in pretty good shape, in the scheme of things. Crime has gone UP since then.


Seems like a typo. Pool/ Jacuzzi IS house.


I love the water bed advertising that proclaims that it has no more floor loading per square foot than a refrigerator. Yes, but I don’t usually park nine refrigerators in my bedroom without considering the total load.


Hey, hey…you lookin’ to find a friend? A 15 foot aquatic friend? Saltwater or freshwater, Baltimore got 'ya back…Ia, Ia…

So relaxing, to be fit enough to zonk off and find neutral buoyancy ten feet down.

So does ‘organic’ wine and cider get one betting that snorkeling in this kind of private context is totes doable (for someone not built cetacean?) Fancy valve and pipes, 8-12 feet of water counterbalanced.


How this happened:
Architect: “So you want a jacuzzi/pool. What about the kitchen?”
Spiliadis, the restaurant owner, shrugged. “Take out.”



Even a wine cellar.

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The Hypothesis that immediately occured to me, is that the owner of this house carried out extensive remodelling to accomidate a family member; maybe after witnessing a colour out space, a colour the like of which has never been witnessed by mortal man afore.


Welcome aboard, comrade!

I thought of wine cellar initially then dropped the idea as too silly… but clearly it’s not.

Anyway, it could be worthwhile to rip out the fibreglass shell (if that’s what it is… looks like it to me) and keep digging to make a full basement.

That’s common with major renovations around here. Century-old houses with bare-dirt crawlspaces (and often dodgy foundations) get bought, gutted, basement dug, modern concrete foundation poured, basement finished. This also usually means upgrading drainage and moving things like water heaters to the new basement. Probably costs about $100k to do it and easily adds as much to market value.

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Hey there

I definitely think the “bad part of town” is oftentimes a euphamism for more black areas and I’m ok with talking about that as long as in the process we fully acknowledge that the kind of segregated fucked up city we live in is because white people made it that way. Black people didn’t choose to segregate themselves into shitty blown up neighborhoods. That was specifically white people doing that.


Somewhere, a happy mutant is sad.


I’m not surprised he doesn’t want to comment – I have to imagine that either permits were not pulled for this work, or the nature of the work was not properly conveyed in the permitting process.

I jokingly asked friends on fb if anyone was interested in going in on this maybe 20 ways. I have a taker or two! LOL


I’ll be your human hydrometer, if you need emergency specific gravity measurements.