Mystery military tank blocking Texas highway (video)

My great, great (great?) granddaddy (Moses Austin) didn’t have any intention of standing alone as a country any longer than it took to join the US as a cotton (slave) state. It was a scam from the moment he signed the treaty, he fully intended to break.

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Let’s see, the US military bases present in Texas generates some $114 to $140 billion in their economy, depending on whose numbers you’re using, and that’s out of about $2.4 trillion for the whole Texas GDP. That between 5 and 6 percent of their economy, not including secondary effects and non-base related military economic activity. Yeah, just closing the Texas bases to civilians and acting as if it were a base on hostile territory would do horrible things to the Texas economy. Since their economy is linked to the rest of the country, and the world, it wouldn’t quite be so clear cut, and it would probably end up being a classic case of cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face, at least economically speaking.

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