NASA's new jet will fly faster than the speed of sound without the supersonic boom

It was standard procedure before the mobile tunnels called jetways were used to access aircraft. A set of stairs would be rolled up to both the front and rear doors.


This is done as a matter of course if the aircraft ends up in an apron position (no jetways) and the passengers are bussed to the terminal. I’m flying between FRA (in Germany) and EDI (in Scotland) a lot and it happens all the time. In EDI they let you out at the rear end, onto the apron, even if they’re using a jetway at the front end.


b-b-but I like the boom. :frowning:

The production designers on the Gerry & Silvia Anderson productions really had something going there.
Someone should do a book on this.


This might sound wacky, but if the Andersons also had an interesting personal life, the I’d say that some ballsy producer/director out there should do a biopic of them. Who knows.

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Lady Sylvia.


From the top of my head, wasn’t it the case that sustaining was possible, economically, even with the Concorde? OTH, the supersonic part of the trip Paris-NY was how long? 45min?

Came in to post as much; had to read 45 replies before the CO² subject even came up, WTF


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