Nate Silver doesn't like Bernie's chances

Personally I think that’s a shoot yourself in the foot position. Not always, but this time. I don’t dig on political parties, not in one myself, and my state runs closed primaries. So I’ve got no say till the general. But I’ll happily vote for either Bernie or Hillary. So at this point I’m largely all about detached nitpicking, bored anxiety, and geeking out on minutia.


I love that stuff :slight_smile:

But giving a few bucks (or campaigning for, or even voting for!) the Green party isn’t going to give WA to Trump or Cruz, where Romney lost by 15%.

I don’t go in for tactical voting, never have. Doesn’t sit well with me. I like to go with my conscience, even if it’s counterproductive - I voted Green in the UK last time even though my vote was in (allegedly) a Lab/Con marginal (turned out not to be, the Conservatives increased their majority fairly easily).



bernie 12/1, hillary 2/5

I can’t vote (wrong country) but Hillary is completely uninspiring. Most of her economic policies would lose my vote as much as Trump’s or Cruz’s would. Her social policies are better then the Republicans, but still feel like they are conservative (from a European perspective). I feel no connection to what she says at all. This is not about ideological purity, I disagree with Bernie on a lot (I’m to the left of him), but at least I feel like I partially agree with him when I do.

I’m tired of being told to vote for the lesser of two evils, and as it currently stands Hillary couldn’t persuade me to get out of bed on election day, never mind actually go and vote for her. I get the feeling that I am not alone feeling like this.


Cool. I was looking at the primary.

Good thing you don’t have to get out of bed on election day, then. Personally I feel like there’s a lot at stake this time around. Democrats who don’t vote elect Republicans.


No, its worth holding the rest of the primaries and seeing what the outcome looks like.

The math can go fuck itself. Because its the math that’s being a douche-bag here, right, not Nate Silver.


Only the ones in Ohio and Florida.

And they don’t, anyway. Republicans elect Republicans. If the Dems put up a shitty candidate that people reject, that’s on them, not the people that wouldn’t hold their nose to support them.


No, but you are proving to be so principled as to not stand up to a guy who pretty much stands for all that’s worst in America.


I don’t have a vote. I can be as principled as I like. :slight_smile:


USA is the only member of the NATO Alliance that doesn’t pay for the health care of it’s citizens. Minimum wage in the USA is way lower. Same for Family Leave. Save for Vacation Time. Corporate media in USA & EUROPE refuses to report how wide the wage Europe/USA gap benefits as well.


There isn’t anything special about land lines anymore.

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And that’s the kind of thing that makes me and others like me feel like staying in bed. Yes Trump and Cruz scare me, but so does Hillary’s status quo politics.

But if not voting gets you angry, how about this? Bernie supporters vote Green in all states where only one party can win. It won’t change the election but it will hopefully make Hillary know that not everyone on the left is happy with her.

By the way, it’s not just democrats she is losing, its the independent left too (which would include me).


I knew a few Nader voters who pretended to be perfectly happy with Bush’s presidency, because Gore was not pure enough and therefore exactly the same as Bush. Thank God Sanders is too smart and principled to run independent. Those same guys would stubbornly rejoice all four years of the Trump administration. Also, the next 20 years of the Trump Supreme Court.


Mr. All That’s Worst in America will destroy himself and the GOP if he is elected President. The question is whether the Dems want to destroy themselves in similar fashion by manhandling the primary in a way that drives away Sanders supporters and sets up Mrs. All That’s Second Worst in American for a devastating loss to a looser. Its their choice, and believe me, don’t think for a minute that many won’t savor watching the Dems screw the pooch in the contest that was theirs’ to win.

The thing is there is not much they can do about it at this point. They drew their lines in the sand months ago, with bad debate dates, and primaries on saturdays, and fostering Clintons false air of inevitability. They can’t un-do any of that shit. But they can tell Clinton to bow-out now. Sure beats loosing in November.


afaik Denmark and Norway don’t have a legal minimum wage (but highly effective unions and comprehensive labour agreements)


I would just point out that Nate Silver also wrote a bunch of articles saying that he didn’t like Trump’s chances either.

How’s that working out at the moment?


@cowicide used to talk a lot about the importance of voting for any Dem (I do get the argument, just…ugh).

What happened to that guy?

Weird, though - looking at his twitter feed he’s really all in for Sanders.

I don’t like Trump’s chances. He won’t be the GOP candidate.


Why did it take Corporate Media 6-7 years before ANYONE asked Donald Trump a tough question. Chris Mathews doesn’t the brownie points for it Trump Blundered into the whole mess by asking Mathews something about Mathews Catholic views, and was at least not brain-dead enough to ask Trump a follow-up about abortion enforcement.