Nazis and Norse Heathenry

Again, with the gender stuff, there’s a lot of really solid defining of masculine and feminine traits- But at the same time, we know there were female warriors, and several of the goddesses could kick as as well as any of their male counterparts. According to some studies, gay men were considered to be completely masculine as long as they were tops- If they were a bottom, they were basically treated like a woman. And there’s even trans stuff in the lore- Loki, a male, at one point becomes a mare and births three kids. Thor, the freaking epitome of toxic masculinity, cross dresses in one story to put one over on some giants.

I suppose if you look at it the right way, it’s kind of an interesting study- You have this concept of honoring your heritage, that branches off into a nationalistic/supremacist mindset or just the opposite.

Same thing with gender roles- You have these rigidly defined roles, but with the understanding that sex is not necessarily the final word on what role someone ends up with. And again, we see this branching into either extreme chauvinism or a really progressive view on LGBT and gender stuff.