Negative, Ghostrider, the pattern is full

Iron Eagle is probably better than the entire new movie, and Iron Eagle stank.


I kinda felt that way about Top Gun.
Granted I had not seen it on the big screen and everyone was telling me how awesome it was. I found it trite and predictable, but will say the jet scenes would have been pretty impressive on a movie screen.

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??? In case anyone else was as intrigued by that as me… this is the best citation/discussion I can find.

It comes with this brilliant image:

Thanks @Entity447B


I very much enjoy that the main thrust of the discussion you’ve linked is “A cheese sandwich? How implausible!”

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This quotation from the supposed original source was helpful, I found: “But while this story might seem funny to a civilian, it sums up what, for many tank commanders today, is the very recognisable chaos of tank warfare.

I hesitate to make this allusion in fear of cheapening the experiences of the people who actually fought and died in wars, but I have played some “tank simulation” videogames in the past, mostly on older platforms… and the above “cheese sandwich” stuff triggered forgotten, hilarious memories of my tank slewing backwards in a circle (because only one track was spinning), knocking down trees and houses, turret rotating frantically and shooting randomly while enemy tanks pummel it with shells and I scramble to find the damned controls in the instructions :slight_smile:

I remember how huge the movie was at the time, so naturally I saw it with friends, but I still can’t figure out why people thought it was such a great movie. It was pretty standard Hollywood fare.

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fun fact, the British eventually began adding built-in tea kettles to Centurion tanks (1945) so that crews didn’t need to stop and leave the protection of the tank to brew a cup.


To this day, pretty much all armoured British Army vehicles have such a Boiling Vessel. It’s designed to easily cook tinned rations as well as the essential making of tea, and its presence is absolutely my favourite military factoid.


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