New voter registration setting record numbers

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High voter turnout is the GOP’s worst enemy. Let’s go!

Lets Go Reaction GIF


The Dem establishment needs periodic reminders that running a young, dynamic candidate focused on the future can somehow energise young voters. Go and figure…



Fingers crossed, and no complacency, but it really looks like the Democrats have learned important lessons from Clinton’s campaign in 2016 and all that worked about Biden’s campaign in 2020.

Let’s all ride this good wave as long as we can, and be prepared for inevitable down-waves, and of course vote Harris and continue getting out the sane majority in all blue states and swing states in 2024.


You know, if I were conspiracy minded, I might think Biden realized, some time ago, that he was slowing down, didn’t have the energy or quickness he once did, and wasn’t going to run again, and set up Harris as his heir to the presidency. Then he played up his failings during the debate, so all the media attention would be on him, and the core issue would be about age and ability. Then, once Trump picked his running mate to counter him, he dropped out, giving Harris a huge boost and turning the media narrative around so all the issues of age and competence only applied to Trump and he was stuck with his inappropriate VP. Of course, in reality, the Dems aren’t that competent, organized or conniving, and a lot of luck was involved and unpredictable situations aligning just so - but I bet a lot of Republicans believe it.


My hope is that these voters and all others make sure to get a valid photo ID before election day. The GOP is banking on the fact that people still think they can show up to vote with a utility bill or an expired ID to prove their identity. That won’t work anymore. There’s still time to get it taken care of. In Ohio alone 8,000 people were recently deemed ineligible to vote due to the new photo ID requirement.


Yep. I think I said as much here a few days ago. It’s the kind of conspiracy theory you love to think could be real. :wink:


My idea is that Biden and his staff knew that he is old and frail and it’s quite possible that some health problem could arise. So they prepared a contingency plan in case.

Both the debate failings and the failed Trump killing changed the landscape, so I think he decded to go with plan B anyway.


Heh… the morning of when that photo was taken, the woman on the right said to herself, "Now where is my patriarchy-ass-kickin’ hat? Ah, there it is.":grin:


It’s just that, that’s not at all how it happened. Yes, of course they had contingency plans, but there’s no way to interpret Biden stepping down as anything but reluctant. Not in his confidence in Harris, but that it was the right thing to do for the country. It’s looking like it was, but we still have a ways to go before Election Day.


On my way home from work, I pass a small Sec of State office. Over the past 5-6 week days, the line was out the door. Filled with young ones registering to vote. It makes me smile every time. The diversity always reminds me of the 80’s Benetton ads.


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