New York City appoints first-ever 'rat czar'

For a country that started itself with a war to get rid of the rule of kings, America sure loves to appoint “Czars”.


I loved that show. And of course Hans Gudegast is now Eric Braeden, aka “Victor” on The Young and the Restless. I guess he thought that “Hans Gudegast” was not a marketable name in the long run.

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That is incredible.

Unless…Government corruption in action…

Cat Friendship GIF



City rats are too big for most cats to attack/kill.

I encourage anyone interested in the history of rat control (especially in NYC) to read Robert Sullivan’s 2004 book Rats: Observations on the History and Habitat of the City’s Most Unwanted Inhabitants. This Rat Czar has her work cut out for her, that’s for sure.


And yet in the south, people complain about these gentrified coyotes in the suburbs and cities. We could solve both problems, I’ll send y’all some genuine Georgia coyotes for a piece of that Rat Czar budget. My backyard one is named Pugsley.


I was picturing like, a representative of the rats to sit down and talk with the humans about territorial disputes. I was disappointed.


That is a delightful idea. The rats really do need a representative.

Oh Really Gremlin GIF - Oh Really Gremlin GIFs|833x468.5625


A rat like Dangerous Beans could do wonders for that city.


And the very interesting

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I think this is the one that I converted to a NewtonPress document so I could have it on my MessagePad 2100.

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