Nightmare at Wells Fargo: customer battles fraudulent charges for months until NY Times shames the bank into helping him

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I totally agree with time to begin placing WF leadership IN PRISON!! They DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS! And the BBB has not done anything to stop their illegal, unethical behavior!!

They closed my accounts after my frustrations with multiple communication informing them that I have been undergoing severe health issues and unable to work.

Requested they change my account number and debit card to stop Xfinity (another horrible customer service company) from repeatedly withdrawing funds from my account after I asked Xfinity to stop Auto Pay or to withdraw on a date I knew funds were there to cover poor, inconsistent internet service. WF ignored my requests and complaints. They loved making my life and health worse by hitting me with penalties after allowing funds that they can see I do not have to be withdrawn!

I have requested a couple of times they take off penalties and help me by giving me a new account number, etc., but they don’t care. I thought years ago that they were the bank for normal people at low - middle income levels. THEY ARE CRIMINALS WITHOUT A CONSCIENCE!

They need another class action lawsuit against them and the banking officials to suspend them. They have no care, no fear because the penalties put upon them are NOT ENOUGH TO STOP W!

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My friend’s ancestor used to rob their stagecoaches. Oh how the tables have turned.


Partnerships and lack of transparency regarding ownership make it difficult to avoid some financial institutions, too. I’ve also been a member of a local credit union for a long time. To avoid autopay services offered by companies, the credit union’s bill payment service seemed like a more secure option. I have been using this for years. A few months ago, I requested a copy of a payment processed by check and you can guess what bank’s name was on it. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Institutions as old as Wells Fargo are like bindweed, winding tendrils around everything nearby to survive. Cutting off what we can easily see is not enough, because beneath the surface it’s wrapped around the roots of other plants and using them for nourishment. My horror at discovering the bill payment service provider made me wonder about all those popular apps used for financial transactions. Those could give Wells Fargo visibility into / access to account details some of us do not want that company to have. Do most app customers conduct research into who owns them or how stable or secure they might be? :woman_shrugging:t4:


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