Nitrogen triiodide: "So volatile that a mosquito landing on it will make it explode"

Also, from the “polymers you didn’t know existed” chapter:

Probably not any more stable than carbonia.

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I’m not a chemist, but if I’m remembering correctly what little I learned, that looks like a fantastically unstable molecule.


It looks fantastically unstable to a chemist, as well. There’s that little tendency of nitrogen to revert to its very stable gaseous form of N2.

Oddly enough, the “Things I Won’t Work With” blog tells us that this silly looking thing is sort-of, kind-of stable:

From the comments section of that article, someone has synthesized a similar molecule, but substituting atoms of N for two of the CH groups in that molecule, leading to a string of 10 Ns:

Sure enough, that one was unstable.


I love how the smoke in slomo is virtually indistinguishable from a large scale explosion plume, like a volcanic eruption or something. never seen anything quite like it.


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