No robot will ever

I wouldn’t dream of saying that for a moment. What I’m saying is despite the obvious fact that Shakespeare had so much more to offer than Star Wars has, the latter is no less likely to survive the test of time, IMO.

It’s apples and oranges; an accidental comparison. One has a narrow point of entry and runs very deep, and the other is the reverse. But as a lifelong SF fan I think I’m on the money when I say classic films aren’t going away in a hurry despite whatever advances in A/V the future holds, at least until we can plug into the Matrix and virtually live movies… even so, films are likely to continue to encroach on an important cultural role of books, as a shared pool of common experience through the decades and centuries - stuff you read or watch partly because it’s commonly referenced; archetypical and/or exemplary. In that sense Star Wars is like Shakespeare, though clearly not in the same league.

And I’m pretty sure Star Wars will still be a memorable experience fifty or a hundred years from now; it stands up well enough thirty years on…

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