North Carolina couple call cops on midnight intruder that turns out to be their robot vacuum

one metaphorical necklace made of semiprecious stones being grasped rather tightly.

What I was attempting to communicate was that my vexation with the topic was worth two comments (on my part), but not worth outrage (on my part). I had no problem with the comments, which seemed appropriate to the subject matter.

And since Milliefink has duly noted my mild level of offendedness, my work here is done.

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And so it begins…
I for one welcome our new robot overlords.


Why stop at burglars?


Midnight intruder reminded me of another intruder meme from days gone by. I would love to hear Antione’s commentary on this case

Came here for something along these lines. Was not disappointed.

So only semidemitriggered, perhaps.


So sad this isn’t a safe space for such snowflakes. Sort of a sadly slushy space?

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Given that no-one ever has seen the real Santa come to call and lived to tell the tale it probably was better that way.


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