Toast need growth in the youth markets. Quick someone make a meme to post to AOL or whatever kids gawk at these days. Get them young, keep’em for life.
The NRA has had leadership (grand poobah) problems for years. Those problems escaped no one.
And what always escapes the press? Most NRA members are practical people, not at all wedded to ideologies excepting the absolute preservation of our Bill of Rights - despite any costs. Rarely run into anyone wedded to political parties. That’s why the NRA has to thrash so hard to keep us in line. But no one believes their shit. They vote as a block only due to a grim consensus as to the greater threat. With the NRA, without the NRA, in spite of the NRA. Opponents face a truly organic group which just wants to be left alone. That’s why pounding on the organization itself has no effect. They aren’t in control here.
The reason for those contribution declines? NRA members feel safe now. The NRA lost their best salesman when Obama left, and no one really wants to put their money into the hands of HQ assclowns. Contributions will go through the roof if that changes.
The Dems really blew it when they became unfriendly. Cuz there’s not much sympathy for much in the Republican party.
Unfriendly to the NRA? Is this yet another call from you for liberals, progressives, and reputable media outlets to meet bigots and sexists halfway in order to get things done.
This isn’t just a “leadership problem” in the NRA. The leadership knows exactly what it’s doing: lobbying on behalf of and supporting the firearms industry by gulling its sucker rank-and-file members with scare stories about the liberals coming for their guns … liberals who are portrayed in ways that wouldn’t have been out of place in Der Sturmer.