Originally published at: Nurdles: the plastic pellets toxifying the oceans | Boing Boing
You know, our great grandparents did OK without plastics, we could easily replace a lot of our packaging with glass or metal or paper, certain products will have a shorter shelf life but so what.
Of course the oil industry wants us to think we wouldn’t be able to survive without oil.
We could also make some things out of plastic without producing millions of tons of ocean pollution. These problems have nothing to do with what could be done, but are the result of an amoral culture that says whatever makes the most money today is best, paired with governments that say whoever has the most money gets to make the rules
Well, you have to hand it to their PR person, “Nurdles” is even more innocuous sounding than “Altria.” The Great Nurdle Hunt sounds like something right out of Dr. Seuss…
We are also at the point where we could replace most of it with biodegradable plant-based plastics.
Since most of the spills involve shipping containers falling off ships or docks, it sounds like a great deal of prevention could be done by requiring said containers to be properly secured.
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