NYT opinion: I’m Pro-Choice. But I Don’t Think Pro-Lifers Are Bad People


Others have already pointed out the many flaws of this whole post, but I’ll take the chance to point out: 70% of Americans think that women should have access to abortion. Instead of using persuasion and soft power to influence people to choose a different path, forced birthers have made an end-run around our democracy in order to gain that coercive position. A minority of a minority are forcing their morality on the majority with the weight of law behind them.

They would rather kill women than persuade them. You might reject moral absolutes, but I didn’t sign up for that. It’s evil, plain and simple.


I really wish they’d all just shove off and move to Russia or Hungary or Afghanistan or some other theocracy, since they seem to want one so bad…

of course GIF


Bollocks, civil disobedience gets shit done.


Clearly those people are in the minority given how the states with the most restrictive abortion laws also happen to be the states with the highest rates of death in childbirth, infant mortality, child poverty, etc.


Its’ really fucking annoying that the ones on the left are always the ones who are expected to “shift the overton window back to dialog.”

Fuck that. They want to come to talk to us, THEY can shift it back. They’re the ones who shifted it in the first fucking place.



You know what I see in the Center for Nonviolent Communication “needs inventory”?


  • choice
  • freedom
  • independence
  • space
  • spontaneity

You know what I don’t see there?

  • Controlling the reproductive decisions of my neighbors.
  • Infantilizing women and relegating them to a biologically-preordained second class existence subordinate to men

On what planet is forced birth synonymous with caring? Please tell me so I can never, ever fucking go there.

Oh wait. I’m there already aren’t I?


Absolutely. Wish I could :heart: this more than once.


Let me explain something to you.

Prolife people want to force people to give birth if they get pregnant. If I get pregnant again

I will almost certainly die and so will the fetus

I have done everything in my power short of removing my uterus and ovaries to prevent pregnancy. I have an IUD. I get the position checked every year. My only sexual partner is getting his tubes nipped. But IUDs are not perfect. If I am raped and I get pregnant from that rape I die and so does the fetus

This result, my death, is what the forced birthers want. Better I die and leave my small child motherless than allow me an abortion

So yeah. I am pretty full of hate for people who are “prolife.” They are liars. They are fascists. No one who could get pregnant should be forced to put up with their shit.


There are ultimately so many things wrong with this. I think a proportionate response would be for the AMA to declare that anyone involved in this ruling - conservative SCOTUS justices, GOP politicians, “pro-life” leaders - be banned from receiving cancer surgery. And I hate cancer. But that little ball of cells that’s destroying them, well, that’s life and they think it’s sacred. So no chemo/radiation therapy for them!


Of course, many of them don’t believe in evolution, so they should only get the original treatments for tuberculosis and such ailments.


You cannot have non-violent communication be a solution to something when one of the parties is ONLY interested in violence. There is no middle ground where needs are shared because their goal is to punish women for all time for eating the apple.

I think you need to understand, NVC works when both parties accept the humanity and the desire for the needs to be met. It does not work in situations where one side denies the humanity and agency of another side completely, and there’s NOTHING that will make them give up the position that women are the source of all evil in the universe, and that women ARE a subspecies to man.

There’s no middle ground when one side wants complete control and subservience and the other desires agency.


Bullshit. Unlike conservatives, this isn’t about pwning anybody or making a point. For liberals its about survival, its about living like a human being. Not having your body turned into a debate point.

I couldn’t give a crap how nice you think fetus worshipers are. They are immoral garbage. They demand people to conform to their wishes by force. They are phonies pretending to be moral. Their regard fir people is nonexistent.


This ain’t the fuckin’ Mandalorian; I’m not “coming together” with anyone who would happily deny my agency as a human being.


Mod note: because this came up more than once, I wanted to make it clear that from my perspective this is precisely the sort of conversation (a conversation about conversations!) that I personally think is a great use of a community topic, and I wanted to thank those who have taken the time to write thoughtful responses to the idea of trying to find common ground (or not) with opposing views.

On a more personal note: I really do believe this sort of discussion is the key to moving beyond polarizing discourse - understanding how those with opposing or even repugnant views got to that point in the first place, rather than just assuming anyone who disagrees must be a total, incorrigible monster (as so many pundits would try to make you believe) is important. Some are monsters. But many likely aren’t, and understanding how someone who isnt a monster ends up with monsterous views is IMHO as important now as it ever was.


Indeed. And although it is fine that people have taken the OP as a post about abortion, it was really about how to have a conversation (or choose not to).

You can no more separate the OP from the topic of abortion than you can separate slavery from the racism or Holocaust denial from antisemitism. If it’s ok to legitimize the forced-birth position with dialog then the others are fair game, too.


I’m just tired of being told to “meet people half way”, taking my steps to meet them, and then watching them walk backwards and throw the whole, “What, you’re a liberal, I thought you had tolerance?! Meet me halfway!”

The Tennessee government is likely going to outlaw all contraception and blame miscarriages on the woman. The Mississippi government has hinted that coming after sex without babies is next. Multiple governments have made felonies out of providing transgender care to minors. Including therapy.

We can’t Neville Chamberlain our way to a peaceful resolution while they’re literally lining up the holocaust for LGBTQIAs and rendering women as second class citizens to men. There’s a time for NVC and conversations, and that’s when people are willing to have those conversations in good faith. But why would someone who legitimately wants a theocratic hegemony based around a hardline evangelical christianity WANT to have those conversations in good faith? They’re WINNING. They’re edging this country closer to what they believe is necessary to bring about the return of Jesus. That’s what we’re dealing with, and we’ve been shifting our red lines all around to avoid saying what we should have been saying and doing when those red lines started getting crossed.

Again. Why would the people who want Gilead as an end goal enter any good faith conversations with us? Our complacency and desire to talk our way out of it is going to give them exactly what they want!


What She Said GIF by The Free Mama

They’ve been at this a long time and have long stopped arguing in good faith. I will not sit down and negotiate with people who don’t accept my right to exist. Women, transmascs and enby’s who can get pregnant should not have to negotiate control over their bodies.