NYT report: Amazon is hell to work at


(I meant your competitors)

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Wait, Bezos, or Ford? I’ve lost track here.

Definitely Ford. I assume not on Bezos. He wants you to roll on Shabbat.


…and I don’t fucking roll on Shabbos!

Jeff Bezos notes that everyone at Amazon treats him very well. “It’s like I’m the boss. Everyone is so accomodating.” The company’s chief went on to say that it’s all laughs for him, and those close to him, and that he hoped everyone else was laughing too.


Amazon has positioned itself as a search engine for products. You know what else works as a search engine for products? A search engine.


Plus it lets HR know who’s least-likely to cash in on the pension.


I have an acquantaince (former co-worker) that went to work at Amazon.

He had a few rounds of interviews at different companies – including 5-hour ones for financial firms where they made him feel like an idiot. He also had 5+ hour interviews at Amazon, but they weren’t playing mind/power games. He’s been there for about 2 years, and said the article doesn’t reflect his experience.



Retail stores pay healthcare?

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That sounds more like Microsoft’s casual distribution lists, some dingus chastises you to use Microsoft’s products and dogfood, even when you’d rather not. Own a PS4? YOU’RE DISLOYAL, HOW DARE YOU HURT THE COMPANY AND MY PERSONAL HOLDINGS.

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I have an acquaintance there in the architecture division who is very anxious to leave after he’s vested. Therefore, my anecdotal evidence cancels out yours and we’re back to where we started.

</so there!>


Yeah, did you miss that whole discussion about the Affordable Care Act a few years back? It was, like, a whole big thing.


I have an acquaintance who works there, but other than knowing he works really long hours I have nothing to add, except that I was disappointed to learn he’d never got one of those emails from jeff@amazon.com with just a ‘?’ in them.


There’s only one fitting response:


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From: jeff@amazon.com
To: You


< !

<< ?


You know as much as I have to do things like keep quiet when an older coworker says he is for Ben Carson. Working for Boeing and now for CSC on their contract for Boeing even as a sysadmin I pretty much get off work at the same time every day, outside of patching weekends I have the weekend and even then I am done with checkouts by noonish Saturday. But no OT now cause the current Boeing side does not wanna pay it, so I get to take a day off during the next week for the patching fun.

I kinda realized how good this was 10+ years ago now when at a thanksgiving dinner with coworkers/friends of the spouse when she was at a dotcom boom company and the comment about the holiday being the first real break weekend they had in awhile.


Well, Joliet lost its prison in 2002. Gotta fill the void.


Depends on what he was smoking, really…

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Yeah, whenever I hear stories like this, I tend to believe both sides. I believe people have been put through hell, and I believe other people haven’t. Probably it comes down to their department/management.

I maintain, however, that long/odd hours are a sign of disorganisation and mismanagement.