Fuel truck, out of control driver, parked airplanes in way of said fuel truck, what possibly could have gone wrong?
Fuel truck, out of control driver, parked airplanes in way of said fuel truck, what possibly could have gone wrong?
That’ll buff out.
“It’s just a game.”
Didn’t this happen a couple years ago, too? Or is the universe punking us? How is that deregulation working out in TX.
Amazon’s warehouses in America are more than twice as dangerous for workers than similar fulfillment centers, in large part because of the high demands the retail giant places on getting orders out as fast as possible, it was claimed yesterday.
Acclaimed lift music composer Brian Eno
background muzak technician
Lullaby maestro
Either way:
They don’t come when you call;
They don’t chase squirrels at all.
Dead dead dead wolfies aren’t much fun.
Spices were, like, the Bitcoin of the early modern period.