Sounds familiar.
Talk about high tech: Tens of thousands of Cali marijuana convictions to go up in smoke, thanks to algorithms
That looks like something one might do when someone mentions the Scottish Play by name.
Something for the Weekend, Sir?
Would an AI-simulated David Coleman even be possible?
Huawei to the danger zone: Now Uncle Sam slaps it with 16 charges of racketeering, fraud, money laundering, theft of robot arm and source code
It makes me want to fish out a Pi and throw all of that on it, just to be +337.
Iran has robot.
If you put Wifi Pineapple on your pi, you might as well add some amateur radio software on it as well and have a Hawaiian-style pizza.
Yeah, I’ve got an old modem for Packet Radio that I could connect. Meanwhile…
Awww, man, now I’ve got that song in my head…
And after the quake, the ice weasels come.
Stumbled across this yesterday. Mongolian heavy metal featuring throat singing? Sign me up!
The snickering and finger pointing will not stop persons being deported and Boris Commander is scot free.