Odd Stuff (Part 1)

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Machine learning models trained on pre-COVID data are now completely out of whack, says Gartner

Machine learning models built for doing business prior to the COVID-19 pandemic will no longer be valid as economies emerge from lockdowns, presenting companies with new challenges in machine learning and enterprise data management, according to Gartner.

_Organisations commonly using machine learning for product recommendation engines or next-best-offer, for example, will have to rethink their approach. _

Huh. I wasn’t aware that product recommendation engines actually worked before the pandemic, but maybe I’m just difficult to shop for.

At any rate, the pandemic did mess up the odd supply chain due to data models that just could not cope with the new situation.


While eyes are fixed on Apple announcements, Microsoft’s streaming service Mixer goes the way of the Windows Phone

Mixer has been consigned to the Microsoft graveyard to rot alongside other abortive stablemates like Windows Phone, Zune and Clippy to name just a few.

Microsoft’s me-too attempt at a Twitch-like streaming platform is to be subsumed into Facebook Gaming, which will grant Mixer Partners – people lucky enough to make money by playing video games through ad impressions and fan subscriptions – the same status.

As of 22 July, visitors to Mixer will be redirected to the anti-social network’s Twitch clone.

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Ex-CEO of fintech biz Wirecard arrested over missing money: Vanished €1.9bn may not have existed in the first place

Segway to Heaven: Mega-hyped wonder-scooter that was going to remake city transport to cease production

In yet another reminder that the heady days of the noughties are but a distant memory, the classic Segway is set to officially end production after a near-twenty-year run.

Bad news for mall cops.




I guess that depends on one’s point of view on jingoism or patriotism- as one sees it.


Gotta call BS on that. It wasn’t the lowest in any of the categories in the article, either. The civic engagement category is odd, too. Voting, volunteering, and jury duty…OK. Did they look at how many people actually work in/for government?


Full story.


Of course- there’s no absolute standard to measure this by. One could just as easily add in who’s having the largest percentage of the population demonstrating to make the country more just as a highly weighted factor.


Maybe there is hope for 2020: AI that ‘predicts criminality’ from faces with ‘80% accuracy, no bias’ gets in the sea

Springer Nature has reversed its decision to publish a paper describing a neural network supposedly capable of detecting criminals from their faces alone – after top boffins signed a letter branding the study harmful junk science.

The missive, backed this week by 1,168 researchers, students, and engineers, and addressed to the academic publisher’s editorial committee, listed numerous studies that rubbished the suggestion criminality can be predicted by algorithms from something as trivial as your face.

So, AI-based phrenology? It’s staggering how stupid intelligent people can be sometimes.


Study or advertising copy?


And city tour companies.

Good riddance I say!

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True, like the “Red States are more patriotic than Blue States” bit. I was looking at the veterans stats and wondered if they take into consideration that a lot of people who can afford it move away from NJ in retirement (because living there is expensive, even more so on a fixed income). The same thing happens in Delaware, because there are tax issues for pensioners that don’t exist in other states.

I moved from NJ during my working years, and unless I hit the lottery it wouldn’t be possible to move back. :cry:


Yeah. Much like Trump losing voters from 45-64 and over 64.

Some truth- but also it’s four years later & the same people aren’t in those brackets as 2016.



After 84 years, Japan’s Olympus shutters its camera biz, flogs it to private equity – smartphones are just too good


That should go in the good/encouraging thread!