Odd Stuff (Part 5)

But without a steel box, you won’t feel like you are living in a dumpster.


Good point…

sesame street sigh GIF


Lies! Lies! Built lies!


Built for that horror movie phone reception.


Listen to the commentary, so panto


Interesting phrase. How so in this case? Do you mean to say he’s faking it?

Not at all, I can imagine a pantomime dame, in full Frankie Howerd mode, saying the same thing.


I was sure that he wouldn’t be able to stick the landing!

Oh no he didn’t!

Oh yes he did!


Picture this: You’re driving your luxurious 2018 Ford F-150 Limited, a high-feature model retailing at over $60,000. Everything is smooth sailing until, boom! A dashboard light flickers, signaling an issue with your blind-spot warning and cross-traffic alert systems. Fast forward, and you’re slapped with a repair bill that sends shivers down your spine: $5,600. All because of water damage to your taillights. Yes, you read that right.

So, how does one end up with a $5,600 repair bill for taillights, you ask? Enter mechanic Brian Makuloco and his FordTechMakuloco YouTube channel. His recent episode pulled back the curtains on this automotive horror story. Initially, the truck was brought into Makuloco’s shop for issues with its blind-spot warning and cross-traffic alert systems. As an added glitch, the stereo hard keys and HVAC climate-control buttons were entirely unresponsive. That’s when the mechanic rolled up his sleeves and dove into the vehicle’s medium-speed computer network, used for medium-priority functions like the errant safety systems.

Following a thorough computer diagnosis, Makuloco unearthed the shocking truth: Water had leaked into the tail lights, damaging the truck’s safety systems. These systems were all on the same medium-speed computer network, causing a domino effect that crippled the entire network and rendered other functionalities useless.

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Sounds like grounds for a class action lawsuit. But then, the chuckleheads who buy those things could probably never get together for that.


Wow, that’s a dodgy link. Even in Brave, it redirects to a scammy-looking CLICK HERE! page.

Maybe just say what you’re thinking, inatead of expecting others to click over and read something to figure out what you’re thinking?

It does initially then launches a bunch or redirects and amazon pages. Not good!

(Brave on Android)

All this crap launched from that clip cafe link.


The Universities of Wisconsin Board of Regents have voted unanimously to fire the chancellor of UW-La Crosse after he appeared in pornographic videos with his wife.

Chancellor Joe Gow, the longest-tenured chancellor in the UW system, already had plans to retire at the end of the school year. In a closed-door meeting Wednesday, the regents voted to terminate his chancellorship and place him on paid administrative leave as he transitions into a faculty role.

“In recent days, we learned of specific conduct by Dr. Gow that has subjected the university to significant reputational harm,’ UW system President Jay Rothman said in a prepared statement. “His actions were abhorrent.”

Rothman added he is filing a complaint with interim UW-La Crosse Chancellor Betsy Morgan to review Gow’s status as a tenured faculty member. He said he has also hired an outside law firm to “undertake a fulsome investigation of the matter.”

It’s not the first time Gow has faced disciplinary action. In 2018, then-UW system President Ray Cross denied him a pay raise after Gow invited porn star and activist Nina Hartley to speak at a campus event promoting free speech. At the time, Cross said the chancellor had used “poor judgment” in inviting her.

How the fuck is making porn with your wife “abhorrent”? Also, if allowing Nazi’s to speak is essential to free speech, why is an invitation to a porn star considered “poor judgment”?


Oh for crap’s sake, what is it about academia that prevents it from just flatout firing high-ranking administrators? What kind of awfulness would it take?!


But they’re generally white men! We can’t punish them! /s

Oh My God Omg GIF


They look very well made!


Perhaps it’s in his contract? Also, why should he get fired for making porn on the side?


Why should he get demoted, but not fired?